


Tobacco doesn’t kill 8,000,000 Americans a year. Idiot. That’s worldwide, you can blame Big Tobacco for that.

Exactly. Guess you’re too dumb to remember saying someone doesn’t know what a pandemic is? A pandemic is worldwide. Ding ding ding


Folks we have a dope! Tobacco is a choice. Covid19 is not. You’re an idiot.
Again people choose to be selective about who dies. We are worried someone will die from this virus, which is a choice if you catch also. You could stay at home and isolate to not get it. If you cared about who dies, then why not ban cigarettes? We’ve ban people from gathering, eating at restaurants, and work for a virus? I know this :censored2: is way over your head. No one believes you care about people dying when you say you’re ok with millions of people dying!??!!!
Again people choose to be selective about who dies. We are worried someone will die from this virus, which is a choice if you catch also. You could stay at home and isolate to not get it. If you cared about who dies, then why not ban cigarettes? We’ve ban people from gathering, eating at restaurants, and work for a virus? I know this :censored2: is way over your head. No one believes you care about people dying when you say you’re ok with millions of people dying!??!!!

This maroon thinks getting Covid19 is a choice.


This maroon thinks getting Covid19 is a choice.
Again, you are being selective on who YOU think should die and who should be saved. Death obviously is not the main concern or we would be eliminating death in all aspects of our lives. Are we limiting the virus? Of course bc 2.5 million were gonna die. So what’s stopping everyone from limiting millions more?


Well-Known Member
I know smoking increases the odds of early death. Law's have reduced nonsmokers children, flight attendants, wait staff from being affected. I know working at UPS increases the odds of becoming infected. Public health policies have reduced my chances of infecting others. I also choose to live in a way to reduce my odds of infecting others at home, work and public places. Why? Because I respect healthcare works. Nothing I do moving box's comes close to the real heroes. Anyone can pull a real statistic and make some point that has nothing to do with this pandemic.


Staff member
Spell, 42, who plans to hold three services at his 1,000-member Life Tabernacle megachurch in a Baton Rouge suburb on Palm Sunday, has defied state orders against assembling in large groups and has already been hit with six misdemeanors.

"The church is the last force resisting the Antichrist, let us assemble regardless of what anyone says," he said.

For Spell and others, the public health orders are a threat to religious freedoms and constitutional rights.

"Satan's trying to keep us apart, he's trying to keep us from worshipping together. But we're not going to let him win," Kelly Burton, pastor at Lone Star Baptist Church in Lone Star, Texas, wrote in a post on Facebook.

The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: "Satan's trying to keep us apart"


Well-Known Member
Are abortion clinics essential? I wonder how many innocent lives are being saved if they're closed..
Time sensitive legal medical procedures should be considered essential. Elective procedures that the outcome from delaying them is not a problem are different. Protesting in masks under 10 people and abiding by social distancing should also be allowed.


Well-Known Member
For 13 year's according to the Constitution people could not drink alcohol. For ~80 years according to the Constitution people were considered property...


nowhere special