

Well-Known Member
For 13 year's according to the Constitution people could not drink alcohol. For ~80 years according to the Constitution people were considered property...
So the next time I hear opposition to gun restrictions I can use your silly. On a side note if you think that making abortion illegal is going to stop abortion...I point you back to prohibition. The rich will leave the country and the poor will use black market means.


Well-Known Member
I believe in open carry gun ownership across America. Make concealed carry a capital crime. Allow any private business to ban entry and public building must offer storage if they choose not to allow open carry inside. Throw in something similar to a driver's license and registration for an open carry weapon.


Well-Known Member
I believe in open carry gun ownership across America. Make concealed carry a capital crime. Allow any private business to ban entry and public building must offer storage if they choose not to allow open carry inside. Throw in something similar to a driver's license and registration for an open carry weapon.
My post wasnt picking a side, It was pointing out that the constitution is used as absolute truth in one when it comes to gun ownership but a sin in another.


Staff member
Spell, 42, who plans to hold three services at his 1,000-member Life Tabernacle megachurch in a Baton Rouge suburb on Palm Sunday, has defied state orders against assembling in large groups and has already been hit with six misdemeanors.

"The church is the last force resisting the Antichrist, let us assemble regardless of what anyone says," he said.

For Spell and others, the public health orders are a threat to religious freedoms and constitutional rights.

"Satan's trying to keep us apart, he's trying to keep us from worshipping together. But we're not going to let him win," Kelly Burton, pastor at Lone Star Baptist Church in Lone Star, Texas, wrote in a post on Facebook.

The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: "Satan's trying to keep us apart"
8,486 dead Americans, 312,000+ known cases. 1,078 dead yesterday alone.
Trump will be wearing a mask by Wednesday. He’s against it, but most dying are in his age group and obese class.


Well-Known Member
trump’s China travel ban allowed in 430,000 people from China. Smh. So what else is left to defend? Like his failure is utterly complete. The one thing that trump fans could pretend he did correctly allowed 430,000 people in from China after it was in place. Really really incompetent.


Well-Known Member
I mean trump has literally done not one effective thing during This Whole slow rolling tragedy. Not one. I mean his whole big China travel ban allowed in 430,000 people after it went into effect. So people arguing trump did a great thing with the travel ban, what are you defending? 430,000 people being let in from China after the supposed ban? Smh.
There have been 46 million (potential) lives lost to abortion since 1970.

Irresponsible sexual promiscuity.... is so cool.

You’ll need to talk to the courts. As much as it kills you, abortion is the law of the land! Roe V Wade determined a fetus isn’t a baby. Are you having an abortion? Don’t like them? Don’t have one. Abortion is a choice!


Well-Known Member
trump had three things(testing, telling the public to social distance and states, cities, businesses to stop public gatherings early on, and get medical equipment) that had he done any one of those things effectively, it would have made this less of an absolute tragedy. He failed to do any of them. His China travel ban, which he And his fans have been Pretending was great by touting it constantly, was an utter failure. 430,000 came from China after the ban and are still coming. What an utter failure.


Got the T-Shirt
You’ll need to talk to the courts. As much as it kills you, abortion is the law of the land! Roe V Wade determined a fetus isn’t a baby. Are you having an abortion? Don’t like them? Don’t have one. Abortion is a choice!

I can agree on some of your points.

Ugly people shouldn't breed.

It dilutes the gene pool....

The huge spike in numbers are coming in, 9,129 dead Americans. 321,000+ known infected. I hope some of you deniers aren’t here to celebrate 10,000, if you know what I mean.