
Nice try, unlike you I'm not some bitch ass beta male. Grocery shopping is women's work.

16,074 dead Americans, 454,000+ known infected. America again on pace for a record day. 1,286 dead today. Thankfully influenzas wasn’t a pandemic this year or hospitalization would be a bigger issue.

You try so hard to be alpha, you’re a true beta.


Well-Known Member
[misqUOTE="DriveInDriveOut, post: 4441077, member: 44954"]So how long until we reach your prediction of 500,000 dead Americans? I'm too lazy to read or search.[/misqUOTE]

You should read or search.

After your next diaper change.


Well-Known Member
You guys have a nice advantage, though, in that you can wait for the predictions to be right, and then say we counted wrong.

Basically, you're covered no matter what happens.

I'm just thankful the big boys solved the problem while the ankle biting ostrich deniers complained.
16,114 dead Americans, over 455,000 known infected. 1,326 dead today. The Trump welfare checks are in route. 50 million Americans will get free money between April 9-13. Trump continues his Socialist program for business.