

Well-Known Member
Trump has only been a backup quarterback.


Well-Known Member
via that liberal bastion otherwise known as the Wall Street Journal:

The editorial board of The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday published a column attacking President Donald Trump’s daily White House coronavirus task force briefings.

In the editorial titled “Trump’s Wasted Briefings,” the conservative newspaper’s board said the pressers had started off as “a good idea to educate the public” about the pandemic but had now descended into “a boring show of President Vs. the press” after Trump decided to make them all about himself.

Trump’s frequent “outbursts against his political critics” were “notably off-key at this moment” given the “once-a-century threat to American life and livelihood,” it added, noting how public health officials have in the briefings been relegated to the role of “supporting actors.”

“If Mr. Trump thinks these daily sessions will help him defeat Joe Biden, he’s wrong,” the board wrote, suggesting Trump’s 2020 campaign against the de facto Democratic nominee Biden is “about one issue: how well the public thinks the President has done in defeating the virus and restarting the economy.”

This will come as a shocker but there are people in this country who do not want the president to look good.


Well-Known Member
Never forget: The president of the United States claimed to have the coronavirus “totally under control” because it was only “one person coming in from China”; he said it would miraculously “disappear”; he compared it to the flu; he tried to prevent sick Americans on a cruise ship getting off and getting tested because he liked “the numbers being where they are”; and he called concerns over the spread of the virus a Democratic “hoax.” Donald Trump also held daily White House press briefings where he berated the press; told countless lies; denied any “responsibility at all” for the crisis; and pushed unproven and risky drugs as a possible treatment for the disease, adding: “What do you have to lose?” As thousands of Americans lost their lives to Covid-19, the president bragged about his TV ratings and his Facebook followers, while also taking Twitter potshots at Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and her emails.

How many more times will you continue to post fact check disproven lies here?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
via that liberal bastion otherwise known as the Wall Street Journal:

The editorial board of The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday published a column attacking President Donald Trump’s daily White House coronavirus task force briefings.

In the editorial titled “Trump’s Wasted Briefings,” the conservative newspaper’s board said the pressers had started off as “a good idea to educate the public” about the pandemic but had now descended into “a boring show of President Vs. the press” after Trump decided to make them all about himself.

Trump’s frequent “outbursts against his political critics” were “notably off-key at this moment” given the “once-a-century threat to American life and livelihood,” it added, noting how public health officials have in the briefings been relegated to the role of “supporting actors.”

“If Mr. Trump thinks these daily sessions will help him defeat Joe Biden, he’s wrong,” the board wrote, suggesting Trump’s 2020 campaign against the de facto Democratic nominee Biden is “about one issue: how well the public thinks the President has done in defeating the virus and restarting the economy.”

"It is increasingly clear that the president* is on the verge of taking the approach once recommended by Senator George Aiken in relation to the Vietnam War—declare victory and get out. He has set up all the elements of doing so. His enablers already have begun declaring victory now that it is becoming clear that social distancing is working. The president* is ready to get back to full operational misrule and, if things go badly wrong, and they will, he can blame the states, especially the ones with Democratic governors. He will then campaign on a field of bones as the man who stopped the epidemic.

I can hardly wait."

Charles Pierce

Never forget: The president of the United States claimed to have the coronavirus “totally under control” because it was only “one person coming in from China”; he said it would miraculously “disappear”; he compared it to the flu; he tried to prevent sick Americans on a cruise ship getting off and getting tested because he liked “the numbers being where they are”; and he called concerns over the spread of the virus a Democratic “hoax.” Donald Trump also held daily White House press briefings where he berated the press; told countless lies; denied any “responsibility at all” for the crisis; and pushed unproven and risky drugs as a possible treatment for the disease, adding: “What do you have to lose?” As thousands of Americans lost their lives to Covid-19, the president bragged about his TV ratings and his Facebook followers, while also taking Twitter potshots at Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and her emails.

Donald Trump on Twitter
"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"


5:18 PM - Jan 24, 2020

