

Well-Known Member
Collins: You said when someone is president of the United States, their authority is total. That is not true. Who told you that?

Trump: You know what we're going to do? We're going to write up papers on this.

Collins: Has any governor agreed that you have the authority to decide when their states …

Trump: I haven't asked anybody because. … You know why? Because I don't have to ….

Collins: But who told you the president has the total authority?

Trump: Enough!

Yesterday he caved. Shocking!


Well-Known Member
Most of the Country will be open May 1. Memorial Day BBQ’s will happen. Traffic will get bad again. Fat Soccer Moms will wear yoga pants and go to Starbucks. Your all gunna miss this.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Here's the fascist emergency playbook:

  • Use the emergency to restrict civil liberties — particularly rights regarding movement, protest, freedom of the press, a right to a trial and freedom to gather;
  • Use the emergency to suspend governmental institutions, consolidate power, reduce institutional checks and balances, and reduce access to elections and other forms of participatory governance;
  • Promote a sense of fear and individual helplessness, particularly in relationship to the state, to reduce outcry and to create a culture where people consent to the power of the fascist state;
  • Replace democratic institutions with autocratic institutions using the emergency as justification;
  • Create scapegoats for the emergency, such as immigrants, people of color, disabled people, ethnic and religious minorities, to distract public attention away from the failures of the state and the loss of civil liberties.
So the Governors of the 50 states are now fascist?


Inordinately Right
Here's the fascist emergency playbook:

  • Use the emergency to restrict civil liberties — particularly rights regarding movement, protest, freedom of the press, a right to a trial and freedom to gather;
  • Use the emergency to suspend governmental institutions, consolidate power, reduce institutional checks and balances, and reduce access to elections and other forms of participatory governance;
  • Promote a sense of fear and individual helplessness, particularly in relationship to the state, to reduce outcry and to create a culture where people consent to the power of the fascist state;
  • Replace democratic institutions with autocratic institutions using the emergency as justification;
  • Create scapegoats for the emergency, such as immigrants, people of color, disabled people, ethnic and religious minorities, to distract public attention away from the failures of the state and the loss of civil liberties.
Trump isn't doing enough he should have shut down the country

Also Democrats:
Trump is a fascist for claiming he has power over shutting the country down RRREEEEEEEEE



Well-Known Member
So the Governors of the 50 states are now fascist?
The governors are not blaming immigrants (except for maybe the ones in red states). Most of their actions are driven by a responsibility to protect the health of the people in their states against a president whose only interest is his own re-election.


Well-Known Member
Regarding donald's emotional breakdown over the CBS reporter asking him why there was nothing about February in the propaganda video he started the press conference with a few days ago; all it does is CONFIRM that in fact, Trump did nothing in February except force all Americans in Europe to come home *in one weekend*, packing them all together like sardines on the flights and in the terminals and creating the exact situation that social distancing is intended to avoid.

emotional? thats funny he beat their biased asses and put on a great show. The donald held court and held biased DNC hacks accountable for their misreporting and biased commentary.


Well-Known Member
Not according to senior officials at the WH. Underneath his signature should be the Trump slogan:

"I don't take responsibility at all."

gee let me guess "unnamed sources"
I have unnamed white house sources that say you engage in kiddie porn and bestiality. that makes it gospel


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days.

That's nice.

its good that the welfare momma's learn who the president is.


Well-Known Member
Here's the fascist emergency playbook:

  • Use the emergency to restrict civil liberties — particularly rights regarding movement, protest, freedom of the press, a right to a trial and freedom to gather;
  • Use the emergency to suspend governmental institutions, consolidate power, reduce institutional checks and balances, and reduce access to elections and other forms of participatory governance;
  • Promote a sense of fear and individual helplessness, particularly in relationship to the state, to reduce outcry and to create a culture where people consent to the power of the fascist state;
  • Replace democratic institutions with autocratic institutions using the emergency as justification;
  • Create scapegoats for the emergency, such as immigrants, people of color, disabled people, ethnic and religious minorities, to distract public attention away from the failures of the state and the loss of civil liberties.

did antifa send this to you or the DNC?


Well-Known Member
Collins: You said when someone is president of the United States, their authority is total. That is not true. Who told you that?

Trump: You know what we're going to do? We're going to write up papers on this.

Collins: Has any governor agreed that you have the authority to decide when their states …

Trump: I haven't asked anybody because. … You know why? Because I don't have to ….

Collins: But who told you the president has the total authority?

Trump: Enough!

Yesterday he caved. Shocking!

you left out the best part when he beat the DNC parrots ass
26,064 dead Americans, 614,000+know infected. 2,407 dead yesterday from Covid19. That’s a record that should stand for a day or two. Any discussions of re-opening the country are premature. Get ready July 4th.


Well-Known Member
donald the dense was focusing on controlling the message, protecting gains in the economy and batting away warnings about Covoid19 from senior officials. Heck of a job, Trumpy.