
27,548 dead Americans, 622,000+ known infected. 1,501 dead today. I take back my earlier prediction. America is on pace for another record day. The Union clearly negotiated much too early. Sadly.


Inordinately Right
27,548 dead Americans, 622,000+ known infected. 1,501 dead today. I take back my earlier prediction. America is on pace for another record day. The Union clearly negotiated much too early. Sadly.
So how long until this brilliant prediction comes true:
125,000 infected. Dr. Fauci has predicted that 100,000s of Americans will die. My 500,000 prediction is looking more realistic daily!
Is today the day?


I'm a star
So WHO should be CHO?

The CCP has it's hooks into a lot of international organizations. They are completely self-interested but use their propaganda machinery to shift focus to everywhere but on them. They tried to blame the US military for starting the outbreak, then switched their focus to calling for cooperation and avoiding finger-pointing and blame. What they really want is everyone to forget that they are to blame, and try to shame other countries into "cooperation", meaning doing the CCP's bidding.

The WHO put out a statement saying they regret the US's decision to defund them. Not that they regret being the CCP's pawn and for helping create the pandemic. They're trying to shift focus off their ineptitude by trying to make people think the US is making a bad decision by defunding them. It's one of the best decisions we could make right now.

The next best decision will be to start ramping up our own manufacturing, and improving trade deals with non-communist run countries with whom we have shared goals. Then getting as many other countries together to impose heavy sanctions against China until their citizenry have no choice but to revolt against the CCP.
28,383 dead Americans, 641,000+known infected. 2,336 dead today. Only 72 deaths away from a new American single day Covid19 deaths record. Our veterans are paying a huge price as VA hospitals have become cemeteries.


Staff member
28,484 dead Americans, 642,000+ known infected. America has set another single day death record. All the talk of the curve flattening is silly talk. The media hoax talk has calmed.
This. Is what a curve looks like. That has started to flatten.
download (12).png


Staff member
28,506 dead Americans, 643,000+ known infected. Your graph doesn’t include the last 3 days. Which would have the highest lines. You must be retired, you have no idea today is the 15th.
You sound irritated... I'm sorry to have upset you.
You can check for yourself here: United States Coronavirus: 644,025 Cases and 28,517 Deaths - Worldometer
It doesn't have todays results in, but it does have everything through the 14th, though.
You should probably check before you make accusations. :)
You sound irritated... I'm sorry to have upset you.
You can check for yourself here: United States Coronavirus: 644,025 Cases and 28,517 Deaths - Worldometer
It doesn't have todays results in, but it does have everything through the 14th, though.
You should probably check before you make accusations. :)

28,526 dead Americans. The single day record is being shattered. 2,479 deaths from Covid19 today. The graph you posted, not me, last day is April 12. Your vision is going. You’re retired.