
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I guess you are right. That does sound a lot more scientific and reasonable. Lets shine a bright light on infected patients to cure them. Just like telling people last month to just go to work and you well feel better. You realize that trump knows more about pandemics then the Doctors know.
I agree.
I saw it live and Trump was talking stupid s:censored2:t as normal.
But what was published by NBC News and then posted in here was just as stupid but it was also a lie.
So worse than Trump.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

You're making my point.
I agreed with your post when you stated it was all BS and a shame.

There just seems to be a light that goes on when people come to Current Events and everyone can’t help themselves and lies and embellishments gush out.

It’s a weird phenomenon ... and Yes, FAKE.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If other people (libturds) are liars, and the Trumpatistas are liars, and FOX NEWS is lying, and CNN and MSNBC are lying, and the WaPo is lying, and NyTimes is fake news...

I mean, at that point, everything is fake, and DIDO and Putin win.

Come on man, there is actual truth out there...there are actual facts.

You haven't watched Don Lemon night after night, have you? It's absolutely disgusting. The leftist media will do anything to try and give Trump the L. And believe me, I do not want him to win in November. These thoughts are my own and not owned by a political party.

My neighbors did love the term "Trumpanzees" when I introduced it to them the other day. LOL


Well-Known Member
You haven't watched Don Lemon night after night, have you? It's absolutely disgusting. The leftist media will do anything to try and give Trump the L. And believe me, I do not want him to win in November. These thoughts are my own and not owned by a political party.

My neighbors did love the term "Trumpanzees" when I introduced it to them the other day. LOL

FOX NEWS is equally disgusting.

The advertising-driven media is horrific...

If it bleeds, it leads.

It's frankly ridiculous.


The facts are out there, you just got to work harder as a Citizen to find them.

Which is literally America the entire time.

News is propaganda.

Always has been, always will be.


nowhere special


nowhere special
No, he doesn't. He was talking about using UV light, which is a disinfectant. I truly wish he would let the experts talk because it gives the Left ammo to twist, but he can't help himself, wanting to appear knowledgeable.
He speaks off the top of his head too much. Though compare him to Obama who couldn't say more than 2 sentences without a teleprompter. Better some unpolished non career politician than a pretty boy in an empty suit.