

Well-Known Member
So you haven't? Doctors on Duty/ Urgent Care/ quacks on duty are known not to have the best and brightest doctors. Most of whom probably didn't get their PHD in the states.
I gave it over a day to reply, for one reason.
At least you and @Benben have no idea what you are talking about. MD's are practicing medical doctors, while they may hold PHD's.
PHD's are generally research degrees in a particular field and they may be board certified yet do not practice for the most part. That has been my general observation and qualified observation of fact pertaining to higher degrees. I understand since both you and @Benben have no higher degree you wouldn't understand.
Do you have anything else to offer?
Sorry to be mean, block me if you feel the need.
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Typical right wing attitude, place blame elsewhere.
Why is Trump saying he was being sarcastic if he didn’t suggest ingesting disinfectants?
Why haven’t you injected yet? Everyone’s doing it. You’re the special kind of stupid, you know, the reason there has to be a label on a bag of peanuts about peanut allergies. Smh


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I gave it over a day to reply, for one reason.
At least you and @Benben have no idea what you are talking about. MD's are practicing medical doctors, while they may hold PHD's.
PHD's are generally research degrees in a particular field and they may be board certified yet do not practice for the most part. That has been my general observation and qualified observation of fact pertaining to higher degrees. I understand since both you and @Benben have no higher degree you wouldn't understand.
Do you have anything else to offer?
Sorry to be mean, block me if you feel the need.

You need to educate yourself! An MD is a degree obtained by completing a set course work at a university or private college. "Practicing medical doctors" in the context you used means those doctors (after obtaining their degres) are licensed by the state after sitting and passing multiple national as well as state exams. "Board Certification" is a designation earned after doing all the above plus ( I do not claim to know all the requirements of all the differing "specialities") a year to multiple years of additional studies and passing brutal board exams. That last exam is usually both written as well as oral!

In the U.S. doctors practicing medicine come from medical as well as osteopathic schools, if they studied here. I would be willing to bet schools from other countries have degrees (for example PhD's) that their doctors obtain in order to "practice medicine" that are not M.D. or DO. Those doctors may come to the US and practice medicine if they apply for and meet the qualifications set out nationally and at the state level.

Your claim of having a "qualified obeservation" concerning this topic is a joke!


nowhere special
You usually keep me updated on daily deaths, what's up buddy?

How many deaths yesterday?

57,065 dead Americans, 1,014,500+known infected. The state of Florida is seeing a huge spike in numbers, 14 dead yesterday, 83 today.

Yesterday’s dead Americans total was 1,384. Beating Sunday’s total dead of 1,157 putting a spike in the curve.


Inordinately Right
57,065 dead Americans, 1,014,500+known infected. The state of Florida is seeing a huge spike in numbers, 14 dead yesterday, 83 today.

Yesterday’s dead Americans total was 1,384. Beating Sunday’s total dead of 1,157 putting a spike in the curve.
Excellent numbers!
Thanks for keeping us updated on the great job we're doing. MAGA!