

Well-Known Member
One of Trump's top advisers warned on February 23 that coronavirus could kill 2 million Americans. Four days later, Trump said publicly the virus would go away on its own "like a miracle." …
59,110 dead Americans, 1,033,700+known infected. 2,313 dead people today. The pattern is continuing, lower numbers on weekends and much higher numbers during the week. This will make any state who’s reopening their 10% closed economy regret that decision. Once again folks, July 4 is looking more and more realistic.
59,110 dead Americans, 1,033,700+known infected. 2,313 dead people today. The pattern is continuing, lower numbers on weekends and much higher numbers during the week. This will make any state who’s reopening their 10% closed economy regret that decision. Once again folks, July 4 is looking more and more realistic.
Way more than 10% of the economy is closed down if it drags on this long it's going to be really bad.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!

That is a trade rag! There are thousands of them! This particular rag has a rather large political bent which makes perfect sense coming from you!

Doubt me? Take a look at the citations of "peer-reviewed studies." It's almost all letters to the editor and opinion pieces dating back to 2005. My absolute favorite was their citing a study dated 4 March 2929 by Colson et al!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That is a trade rag! There are thousands of them! This particular rag has a rather large political bent which makes perfect sense coming from you!

Doubt me? Take a look at the citations of "peer-reviewed studies." It's almost all letters to the editor and opinion pieces dating back to 2005. My absolute favorite was their citing a study dated 4 March 2929 by Colson et al!
I find it humorous and ironic that the LibTurds say Trump and his followers are so anti-science but they are the one's that reject anything coming from a medical/science study.
The LibTurds really hate the figures ... newer data indicates a death rate of less than 1% once wider testing raises the number of COVID-19 infected people. The LibTurds are still clinging to their death rates of 4%, 5%, 6% and even 7%.
The death rate in Germany (The left winger favorite Western country to point to) is 1.4% with limited testing and 1.8% in Korea with even less testing.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I find it humorous and ironic that the LibTurds say Trump and his followers are so anti-science but they are the one's that reject anything coming from a medical/science study.
The LibTurds really hate the figures ... newer data indicates a death rate of less than 1% once wider testing raises the number of COVID-19 infected people. The LibTurds are still clinging to their death rates of 4%, 5%, 6% and even 7%.
The death rate in Germany (The left winger favorite Western country to point to) is 1.4% with limited testing and 1.8% in Korea with even less testing.

Wtf? You post some inane horse shi t from a "letter" to 1 specific governor (I am willing to bet a paycheck you heard about that crap from one of the talking heads at Faux News.) I point out it's idiocy and you post that drivel??

For the record I again point out if was a letter, NOT A "MEDICAL/SCIENCE STUDY!"

Korea has the highest percentage of testing in the world!
I can not recall one person claiming a 4% mortality rate let alone 7%!
"Once wider testing...". Thank God wider testing will never happen with the current bumbler-in-chief in charge huh?

You do understand the numbers dead if we do get to a 1% death rate and everyone catches it right??? RIGHT?

Crawl back under your rock already!
We're slowly opening back up. People are using common sense they don't need a nanny state.

Areas who keep up these shutdowns are going to be screwed with no herd immunity if this comes back strong in the fall.
I can't make sense over all this stuff that's going on. Maybe more people with self-conscious about the actions they do we would have a lot less problems. It's me society


Well-Known Member
Wtf? You post some inane horse shi t from a "letter" to 1 specific governor (I am willing to bet a paycheck you heard about that crap from one of the talking heads at Faux News.) I point out it's idiocy and you post that drivel??

For the record I again point out if was a letter, NOT A "MEDICAL/SCIENCE STUDY!"

Korea has the highest percentage of testing in the world!
I can not recall one person claiming a 4% mortality rate let alone 7%!
"Once wider testing...". Thank God wider testing will never happen with the current bumbler-in-chief in charge huh?

You do understand the numbers dead if we do get to a 1% death rate and everyone catches it right??? RIGHT?

Crawl back under your rock already!
Doesn't help that the test kits we recently obtained from China are seriously flawed. Look at the numbers in California. Estimated in Los Angeles alone close to half a million had been infected and didn't even know it. We need to work out some compromises that get most back to work. Otherwise the devastation will last long after the virus dies off.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Wtf? You post some inane horse shi t from a "letter" to 1 specific governor (I am willing to bet a paycheck you heard about that crap from one of the talking heads at Faux News.) I point out it's idiocy and you post that drivel??
An idiot pointing out idiocy ... I guess it takes one to know one.
Look! I've seen you around here over the years and I don't believe anything you post.
You are are over-confident* and make stuff up ... aka TROLL.
That's OK ... do what you do but I don't believe anything you post.

* The overconfidence effect is a well-established bias in which a person's subjective confidence in his or her judgements is reliably greater than the objective accuracy of those judgements, especially when confidence is relatively high. Overconfidence is one example of a miscalibration of subjective probabilities.

SYNONYMS FOR overconfident
cocksure, brash, arrogant, reckless, heedless, Benben
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