

Gravy route
During the '97 strike we initially had the support of the general public but once the local paper ran an article in which they highlighted our wage and benefit package that support slowly waned.

Cries of "we support you" quickly changed to "get your overpaid asses back to work".
Completely false on a national level. Support increased as the strike went on. Our CEO was ambushed on the national news when he made the argument we drivers were overpaid....The interviewer asked if he believed he was overpaid, then went on to state our CEO's outrageous salary.

Try to rewrite history you putz. Just because you didnt have the guts to walk the picket line.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ok what are you claiming old man?

That there hasn't been 1.6 million U.S. Cases?

That the death count is NOT 97,211 in the U.S.?

So we have a FED controlled group using the word "estimated" to gaslight America when the actual numbers are right there for everyone to see. They bank on idiots being too lazy to actually think. Now I am not saying you are an idiot or a lazy ass sheeple but that's who are regurgitating this idiocy!

CDC "estimates" .04% mortality rate (.26% if you really believe in purple unicorns)

Actual numbers show 5.97% DIE! (I just did the math for you but you're not lazy!)

15 times higher!

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

P!ease show me where those numbers are "estimated!"I

But I can understand your skepticism of numbers reported, being from Georgia and all
Those numbers are wrong.
The new 'projections' or 'estimates' take into account of trends that have developed as more testing has occurred.

You are basically arguing that of the people admitted to hospitals 5.97% will die.
That's probably close.
Now if you could understand that and say that, you and I could agree ... I'd estimate there is a 5.97% chance that will happen.


Inordinately Right
I couldn't find that, at least on their mobile site. All I could find is that their numbers are based on what the states report, and that those numbers are subject to adjustment.
It's on the 'about the data' section.

As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths.

Accuracy of Data

CDC does not know the exact number of COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths for a variety of reasons


Well-Known Member
Did I state that this was the national sentiment? No, I specifically stated that this was the sentiment in my former hometown.

We are overpaid for a job that requires only a HS diploma and valid drivers license. $25-30/hr plus benefits would be a more appropriate wage.
Did I state that this was the national sentiment? No, I specifically stated that this was the sentiment in my former hometown.

We are overpaid for a job that requires only a HS diploma and valid drivers license. $25-30/hr plus benefits would be a more appropriate wage.

99,300 dead Americans, 1.686+million infected. Will Trump and his supporters be celebrating the death of 100,000 Americans on Memorial Day? The Trump Flu has killed WWII vets at VA hospitals. Let’s not forget his classic quote, “it’s just one guy from China, we have it under control.

Once again UPS and the teamsters aren’t just drivers. I’m not sure that America is going to be protesting those employees who make $14.00 an hour.


Victory Ride
99,300 dead Americans, 1.686+million infected. Will Trump and his supporters be celebrating the death of 100,000 Americans on Memorial Day? The Trump Flu has killed WWII vets at VA hospitals. Let’s not forget his classic quote, “it’s just one guy from China, we have it under control.

Once again UPS and the teamsters aren’t just drivers. I’m not sure that America is going to be protesting those employees who make $14.00 an hour.
Yet Pelosi was encouraging everyone 2 come 2 China Town during the out break


Victory Ride
Did I state that this was the national sentiment? No, I specifically stated that this was the sentiment in my former hometown.

We are overpaid for a job that requires only a HS diploma and valid drivers license. $25-30/hr plus benefits would be a more appropriate wage.
Honestly ... that is incorrect in today’s world ....15 new hires .... 16 quit