

Inordinately Right
110,306 dead Americans, 1.927+million infected. The virus has slowly started spreading to the southern states. Florida is seeing record deaths and record infected. The state of Arizona is also exploding. The good that comes from these two states is obviously summer isn’t going to slow Covid19.
110,306 dead Americans, 1.927+million infected. The virus has slowly started spreading to the southern states. Florida is seeing record deaths and record infected. The state of Arizona is also exploding. The good that comes from these two states is obviously summer isn’t going to slow Covid19.

Still probably 50M+ infected.


Inordinately Right
110,306 dead Americans, 1.927+million infected. The virus has slowly started spreading to the southern states. Florida is seeing record deaths and record infected. The state of Arizona is also exploding. The good that comes from these two states is obviously summer isn’t going to slow Covid19.
What does that have to do with the union?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
This is the best coronavirus news we’ve heard in a very long time

  • New York City reported zero confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus from Tuesday to Wednesday of this week.
  • This is the first time NYC hasn’t reported a death related to the coronavirus since March 12th.
  • There were three probable deaths that had symptoms consistent with COVID-19, but they never tested positive for the virus. They may be added to the statistics at a later date.


nowhere special
A database by the Chicago company Surgisphere Corp. was used in an observational study of nearly 100,000 patients published on May 22 in the influential Lancet journal that tied the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to a higher risk of death in hospitalized patients with the virus.

The validity of the data, however, has been called into question. The Lancet first published an “expression of concern” with the study after “serious scientific questions” were brought to its attention. It then retracted the report altogether on Thursday.

A separate paper, which also used the Surgisphere data, was also retracted from The New England Journal of Medicine. Earlier this week the NEJM issued an “expression of concern” regarding the study published May 1 that suggested widely used blood pressure medicines were not raising the risk of death for people with COVID-19.

The Guardian reports that Surgisphere “has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology” and says that the company’s “handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model.”

Network newscasts skip major hydroxychloroquine report retractions, org says


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
A database by the Chicago company Surgisphere Corp. was used in an observational study of nearly 100,000 patients published on May 22 in the influential Lancet journal that tied the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to a higher risk of death in hospitalized patients with the virus.

The validity of the data, however, has been called into question. The Lancet first published an “expression of concern” with the study after “serious scientific questions” were brought to its attention. It then retracted the report altogether on Thursday.

A separate paper, which also used the Surgisphere data, was also retracted from The New England Journal of Medicine. Earlier this week the NEJM issued an “expression of concern” regarding the study published May 1 that suggested widely used blood pressure medicines were not raising the risk of death for people with COVID-19.

The Guardian reports that Surgisphere “has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology” and says that the company’s “handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model.”

Network newscasts skip major hydroxychloroquine report retractions, org says

So @oldngray what exactly are you implying here?
111,858 dead Americans, 1.980+million infected. Another 975 dead Americans today.
How nice is it to see the union members turning on the union heads who’ve done nothing since this thread was started. UPS has forced 6 day work weeks to PTers, who were hired as get this, PTers. The HERO pay should have been the number 1 issue at the negotiating table.
It’s great to see the drivers complaining too. But as many of you drivers posted, you make enough money. You’d rather corporate keep their record profits.


Well-Known Member
How about 1 share of stock (Prorated) for every 40 compensated hours beginning Jan 1, 2019. Payable every quarter until the end of the year. With quarterly reviews as to continue the program.