

Well-Known Member
Just a heads up to those who aren’t even slightly worried about this virus.

If it spreads to your area and you are forced to quarantine, you will be laid off from UPS and you won’t have your health insurance anymore so you can’t go to the hospital to be treated for your pneumonia.


My job is fun
I have a bunch of n95 masks because of alergies. I think they cost me about $.95 each last year. I also have 2 gas masks and 6 n95 and p100 filters for grinding concrete.

The $.95 n95 masks are going for $15 to $65 each on ebay.

I could make a bunch of money but I would not have them for my own use.
I bought n99 masks.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Yes. You have movie inspired choice in your gun selection. I have a 30 odd 6 , cedar stained stock. I have been living off the land my whole life. You worry about death and I enjoy life. Time to tune into Fox News old man and keep worrying because death is coming

Interesting. If you think you are going to hunt your way out of this, I believe you are mistaken.

Question, why do think the military doesn't use m1a's any more? Or 30.06? or bolt

rifles? I simply use 5.56 and 9mm because it is common and that's what police and military

use. Glocks and ar's. That's what will be laying around. I have a .308 AR10 battle rifle.

.308 is NATO as is 5.56 and 9mm. I also have a .308 bolt gun. And a .22 Ruger. Worry about

death? Naw, just responded to a question on this forum. It's been a really nice day here

and mowed the yard and ate some nachos and drank a couple of beers. Worried?

Nope. I'm as prepared as I can be. I sleep well. BTW, you assume a whole lot about

me of which you are very ignorant of facts. And oddly, my double spaced typing seems

to enrage folks. Odd. BTW-Fox News? I don't have cable or local tv. Don't watch it. And

you demean/belittle older folks. Odd. Why is that?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
About dying or catching the virus. We are doing food tours in each city next week, been in contact with each individual, no issues.

Cool. Believe it or no, I'm not either. Nothing you can do about it anyway. Make it or

you don't. My whole point to this thread has been to prepare IF :censored2:e hits the fan. I spent

a little time this weekend buying stuff but we still went to Sonic for a breakfast burrito

and generally carried on. SitNorm.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Maybe you can use your AR to shoot the heart disease or cancer that’s really gonna kill you

Living off the land make you immune to such disease? Gosh you sure hate. You even hate my

ar. So odd. And have never met me. Odd. And how have I ever survived this long? Without

you to guide me? You, the most cunning, savvy albeit hateful individual. And me on deaths



no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Interesting. If you think you are going to hunt your way out of this, I believe you are mistaken.

Question, why do think the military doesn't use m1a's any more? Or 30.06? or bolt

rifles? I simply use 5.56 and 9mm because it is common and that's what police and military

use. Glocks and ar's. That's what will be laying around. I have a .308 AR10 battle rifle.

.308 is NATO as is 5.56 and 9mm. I also have a .308 bolt gun. And a .22 Ruger. Worry about

death? Naw, just responded to a question on this forum. It's been a really nice day here

and mowed the yard and ate some nachos and drank a couple of beers. Worried?

Nope. I'm as prepared as I can be. I sleep well. BTW, you assume a whole lot about

me of which you are very ignorant of facts. And oddly, my double spaced typing seems

to enrage folks. Odd. BTW-Fox News? I don't have cable or local tv. Don't watch it. And

you demean/belittle older folks. Odd. Why is that?
Only delusional ones


Just a turd
The only thing people need to worry about is a liberal media intentionally trying to destroy the economy. Every severe case has been in adults over 60 in poor health.


Doctor who blew whistle over coronavirus has died, hospital says
What's going to happen when the supply chain dries up in March and April because all the factories in China are closed, and there is no movement of goods between countries because of travel bans?
Keep spitting into the wind that it's a hoax and a liberal media concoction to sabotage Trump.


My job is fun

Doctor who blew whistle over coronavirus has died, hospital says
What's going to happen when the supply chain dries up in March and April because all the factories in China are closed, and there is no movement of goods between countries because of travel bans?
Keep spitting into the wind that it's a hoax and a liberal media concoction to sabotage Trump.
China will make their people work while sick. They won’t lose that kind of money. I am putting my 2week notice in Monday, I’m too scared to keep delivering. Plus amazon is buying us out anyone so there is that.