

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Bring it on.


Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I covered a route all week in an area occupied predominantly by Asians. A health care clinic had air and a pickup every day. The entire waiting room was people with masks on.

I wear gloves and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C. So I'm good, right?
Obama isn't POTUS anymore.

Hope this helps.
Obama wasn't a fighter for the American people, he was a change agent. I'll take obnoxious leader over the intellectual any day of the week.

Coronavirus is no match over the spread of socialist ideas.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I heard this on the news this weekend.
Border Agent was being interviewed and he brought it up as a new twist in border crossings.
It backs up MAK's previous statements that a lot of illegal aliens were coming in on airlines.
But the difference is that in order to come in on an airline you have to have the means to buy a ticket, a passport, a visa if the U.S. requires citizens of your country to obtain one BEFORE coming from the U.S. embassy in your country, and you have to pass the scrutiny of the customs agent at your destination airport. You're not going to see a big family of campesinos doing that. So yes people flying in do overstay their visa and may go years without being caught, if ever. But they probably have the means to get themselves set up with phony papers, and can demonstrate an education that lets them get a decent job. The poor campesino from Honduras and his family are probably going to take advantage of sanctuary laws and apply for assistance from very generous liberal governments. Why wouldn't they if it's available and unless they commit a heinous crime will probably never be touched. And even then in many cases. The goal should be to have control over who enters, doing it the right way, and if certain industries need more workers have a guest worker program sponsored by companies that would allow workers to legitimately contribute to Social Security and receive benefits from it someday back in their home country that they eventually return to. Not bring their families, tax an already stressed welfare system, and have anchor babies. And just because many enter by other means than crossing the border doesn't mean you might as well throw the border wide open and let them all in. And funny thing, used to hear @ItWillBeFine and others howl about how ineffective a border wall would be. Seems to be working well where they've built it. Guess they aren't cutting their way through it, tunneling under, or pole vaulting over either. Score a win for Trump!

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
That's awesome 300 pts is approximately a 1.1% increase so in order to have something go up 50k, you have had to start with 4.2 million. You are a fortunate man to have that kind of bank roll.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I have no problem admitting I was wrong, what central banks are thinking over a weekend is anyone's guess. What I won't try to do is tell someone i'm up 50k on a 1.1% market. There are way too many smart hard working people on this sight. I hope you have 4 million in your account because I do know how hard you worked to put it there.