

Inordinately Right
So you’re saying with a proper response a country as large and populous as China could have easily contained the virus?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
amazing how you can say this about china but not america. exact same :censored2:.

El Correcto

god is dead
Ricky logic here.
Virus originates in China.
Why couldn’t America also prevent 95% of cases world wide???

What do you expect America to do? Go lock down China for them without any solid information or calls to do so?


Well-Known Member
Ricky logic here.
Virus originates in China.
Why couldn’t America also prevent 95% of cases world wide???

What do you expect America to do? Go lock down China for them without any solid information or calls to do so?

if only there was something trump could have done LOL

80% less deaths if trump acted 2 weeks sooner



Inordinately Right
DIDO is cute he talks about being brainwashed but is simply pro republicans anti everything else.
All of your Twitter post links, and none of them criticize communist China's imprisonment of millions of Muslims, and killing of god only knows how many.

Why is that?
The people you follow refuse to criticize anything marxist. You need to educate yourself.

El Correcto

god is dead
New Zealand's entire island population: 4,822,233

New York City's entire population: 8,336,817
Ricky doesn’t understand America’s size or the federalist structure of its government.
He hears communist comparing a union of countries federal government to a single country’s federal government and expect utter progressivism to be done at the same size and scope as a European nation. He doesn’t recognize we have states as large, rich and populous as most countries on the planet with their own local governments. He expects a large nation of United peoples to all fall to the tyranny of a handful of coastal and DC elites that want to run every aspect of their lives through some massive socialist system.
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Well-Known Member
All of your Twitter post links, and none of them criticize communist China's imprisonment of millions of Muslims, and killing of god only knows how many.

Why is that?
The people you follow refuse to criticize anything marxist. You need to educate yourself.
my guys are mostly westerners so naturally theyre going to criticize the countries they live in.