

Light 'em up!
Yes, and? I explained the reason and reality of the situation, but hey great zinger...

We're what? $20 trillion something in debt and you want the Government, using our tax dollars, to pay someone more to sit at home than they made while working, just because you think it is easier.

Of course you do.
173,143 dead Americans, 5.569+million infected. 522 dead Americans yesterday. America and the President will celebrate 175,000 dead Americans this week. Remember back in March the President uttered these famous words, “it’s just one guy from China, we have this under control.“ He’s said a lot of stupid stuff but that might be number 1. The states of Florida and Texas led the way with deaths 107 each. The Top 5 states in deaths yesterday are all Confederate red states.


Got the T-Shirt
173,143 dead Americans, 5.569+million infected. 522 dead Americans yesterday. America and the President will celebrate 175,000 dead Americans this week. Remember back in March the President uttered these famous words, “it’s just one guy from China, we have this under control.“ He’s said a lot of stupid stuff but that might be number 1. The states of Florida and Texas led the way with deaths 107 each. The Top 5 states in deaths yesterday are all Confederate red states.

How long have you worked at UPS.... and what do you do ?


Inordinately Right
173,618 dead American, 5.069+million infected. Covid19 is now the 3 cause of death in the US. Covid19 trails only heart disease and cancer. This has been some hoax. Many of you deniers were screaming, “what about the flu“? “The flu kills more”. Obviously you look silly now. This virus isn’t even a year old and it’s the number 3 cause of death. Trumps America is the deadliest country in the world.

chicken alfredo

Well-Known Member
173,618 dead American, 5.069+million infected. Covid19 is now the 3 cause of death in the US. Covid19 trails only heart disease and cancer. This has been some hoax. Many of you deniers were screaming, “what about the flu“? “The flu kills more”. Obviously you look silly now. This virus isn’t even a year old and it’s the number 3 cause of death. Trumps America is the deadliest country in the world.
Jumpin Jack Flash you can jump into the La Brea Tar Pits now k thx bai 👋


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

Thanks for responding, I’m finally starting to settle down and relax. I know I’m not the best loader, but I’m far from the worst. I just want to be better. The advice sups give and management is ridiculous. They think if you load 2-3 packages in one trip into a truck, then you can keep up. I can do that, however, very rarely do you get two packages that are weighted enough to carry both. One package comes down at 85 lbs, the next one 15 lbs, the next one 60lbs. I can’t carry a hundred pounds of packages. I could once, but I’d be exhausted for the day. Never mind the bulk that comes down too. I’ll keep fighting to improve, but it’s so mind-blowing, that Sups think these packages come down in such easy order. I also think the type of trucks one loads has a lot to do with it. If a truck is all RDR and FDL. Well that’s not the same as someone who has packages numbered throughout the truck.
How long have you worked at UPS.... and what do you do ?

This should help...
173,778 dead Americans, 5.613+million infected, Yesterday saw Texas lead the nation in deaths. California led in newly infected, followed closely by Florida. All you folks keep posting and more Americans are dying.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn’t concern yourself with union issues. You’re not in one. No union member ever tells a member to want less!
Didn't answer question. Deflecting again, I see. Whenever your beaten, you deflect.

A union member wants to live by the contract, which is something you have no idea as to the contents of.
Didn't answer question. Deflecting again, I see. Whenever your beaten, you deflect.

A union member wants to live by the contract, which is something you have no idea as to the contents of.
The Union renegotiated at the beginning of the pandemic. The Union didn’t live by the contract. You have a short memory.