

Well-Known Member
It doesn’t matter to me if masks work or not. I’m not going along with this masks forever nonsense. I can’t live life like that. If push comes to shove I would quit my job over being forced to wear masks. It’s that uncomfortable.
masks are annoying but i find capitalism to be more annoying


Well-Known Member


Inordinately Right

This is what strong leadership looks like.
Leftists pandering to political correctness pushed by the commie controlled world health organization shouldn't dictate American policy.

President Trump was very wise to appoint VP Pence to head up the task force. America first. MAGA.


I'm a star
Dr. Bell: “Data shows that wearing face masks works”; Latest COVID-19 Update (August 12, 2020) | SCDHEC

"COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) released new data today that indicates local mask ordinances are helping to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“This new data shows us what we already knew, wearing face masks works,” said Dr. Linda Bell, S.C. State Epidemiologist. “We’re strongly supportive of these local leaders’ initiatives that are centered on protecting the health and wellbeing of their communities.”

The South Carolina Emergency Management Division has released a regularly updated map showing the counties and municipalities that currently have mask requirements in place, which is available on the home page of SCEMD’s map shows jurisdictions where masks are required by ordinance and where masks have been recommended by proclamation from local elected officials.

Analysis of local mask ordinances show:

  • As of this week, nearly 40 percent of residents, or approximately 2,000,000 South Carolinians, reside in jurisdictions that have local mask requirements in place.
  • When comparing the jurisdictions that have mask requirements in place to those that don't, the jurisdictions with mask requirements have shown a 46.3 percent greater decrease in the total number of cases during the four weeks after the requirements were implemented.
“We will be in a much better position in four to six weeks if South Carolinians practice physical distancing and use a mask,” Bell said. “Together, we can completely reverse our fortunes and create safe environments for our business recovery, for our lifestyle recovery, and particularly for our students returning to school in a few short weeks, but we must act more aggressively, and now.”

Data analysis also shows:

  • Those jurisdictions with mask requirements in place have seen an overall decrease of 15.1 percent of total cases for the four weeks after the requirements were implemented compared to before the requirements were in place. This is an overall decrease of 34.6 cases per 100,000 people from before the mask requirements to after.
  • During the same time frame, those jurisdictions without mask requirements have experienced an overall increase in total cases of 30.4 percent, as well as an average increase of 24.1 cases per 100,000 people when compared to jurisdictions with a mask requirement in place.
“The residents in jurisdictions that acted first are seeing the benefits earlier,” Bell said. “This shows the sooner prevention measures are adopted, the sooner we all benefit.”

This is a statistical analyses, not even a study in the real sense of the term. They have been tried before as evidence. But they don't control for confounding factors, and they ignore data that is inconsistent with the beliefs of the people conducting the analysis.

“This new data shows us what we already knew, wearing face masks works,” said Dr. Linda Bell, S.C. State Epidemiologist

She literally just told you her bias. Smh. Our entire state has had mask mandates since July, but according to the same people who made the mandates, our numbers are still getting worse. So masks work when the numbers get better after a mandate, and people are misbehaving if the numbers don't. Pretty convenient set up, if you ask me. They can never be wrong. Sounds ultra rigorous sciencey to me.

Come back when you have new evidence from a double blind, randomized control study of actual study participants, and not just a statistical analysis of an entire population, who may or may not be following protocols set forth, and that doesn't even bother to detail or control for confounding factors. At least the person presenting the info was up front about her bias.

Anecdotal evidence is a start, but it just isn't strong enough to draw conclusions from. I shouldn't have to explain this stuff to people, but I guess I do.


I'm a star
On one hand there’s countless doctors and infectious disease experts saying masks help slow the spread. On the other there’s a truck driver that believes vaccines cause autism, smoking doesn’t cause cancer and masks don’t help. It’s hard to decide who to believe.

It's great to have people who don't even understand my arguments point out how wrong their own understanding of my arguments are. Using nothing more than logical fallacy, no less. Saves me the effort of having to correct their lack of understanding.


I'm a star
So the CDC which is headed by a guy trump picked, and the trump administration who has every reason(because they want the economy to open back up) to say it doesn't matter if you wear masks there is no way to prevent the spread of this disease no matter what we do and our "demographics" whatever that means will determine who lives and who dies and this virus is like the tide, are lying to his own supporters and not telling them the truth because? What does the trump administration gain by pushing the wear the mask lie? What does the CDC headed by the guy trump hired gain from the wear the mask lie?

Why aren't credible doctors and virologists on tv saying mask wearing is futile? Why aren't credible doctors all around the world saying this? Where are the numerous experts on this saying hey this is all bs? I know they are being silenced by the massive conspiracy to control us.

I know you through your internet reading and communicating with your anti-mask wearing compatriots have figured out this massive conspiracy theory being led by trump and the CDC and every credible doctor's association

What's far more likely is having constructed an weird identity out of not wearing masks and social distancing, you have sought out and misread information to confirm this weird conspiracy theory tied to your anti mask wearing identity. But you do you.

I don't base my world views on what some political leaders may or may not say or think. You do you, though.


Inordinately Right

"I came here, wasn't feeling so well. I feel much better now. We're working hard to get me all the way back. I have to be back, because we still have to make America great again. We've done an awfully good job of that, but we still have steps to go and we have to have to finish that job," he said in a tweeted video.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's great to have people who don't even understand my arguments point out how wrong their own understanding of my arguments are. Using nothing more than logical fallacy, no less. Saves me the effort of having to correct their lack of understanding.
I understand how stupid your arguments are. It’s not lack of understanding that leads me to laugh at your arguments. You are very transparent.


Well-Known Member

"I came here, wasn't feeling so well. I feel much better now. We're working hard to get me all the way back. I have to be back, because we still have to make America great again. We've done an awfully good job of that, but we still have steps to go and we have to have to finish that job," he said in a tweeted video.
hes being honest?