

Well-Known Member
You're Canadian.
I have everything compared to you.
It seems you are frustrated because you believe you can not refute the points I make in my posts, and instead of continuing to try, you have taken to sending nonsense posts trying to get into a back and forth name calling thing and that doesn't interest me. So you can either attempt to refute the points I make in my posts or ignore me. Carry on.


Inordinately Right
It's because there is no evidence that masks slow the spread of ili. If the government can mandate that we do something that has no evidence to support it, and idiots will enforce it against other people smarter than them, the results will not be pretty. It's very strange to build an identity around a mental illness that used to be known as the Democratic Party, and believe everything they say despite the evidence against it. That doesn't make sense, it is an irrational and clownish pov.
Human beings can rationalize anything. And I mean anything. They choose to rationalize these strange mask mandate obsessions because they are deranged and in a death cult.

President Trump is starting ww3 with north korea we're all going to die.

President Trump is starting ww3 with Iran we're all going to die.

President Trump is responsible for forest fires we're all going to die.

The world is ending in 12 years from climate change we're all going to die.

There's going to be millions of Chinese virus deaths we're all going to die.

Liberalism is a mental illness, hopefully they get their wish and die.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Personally I don't believe people should be forced to use a seat belt or wear a motorcycle helmet. If people want to kill themselves--so be it. The world is over populated anyway and the gene pool needs cleaned out on occasion. (by the way-- I always use my seat belt and wear my helmet on the motorcycle---Mama didn't raise no fool).
One reason for a person to wear a seatbelt is that the driver with a seatbelt on may be able to gain control of their vehicle if they are in an accident ... not every time but sometimes.
Another good reason is because your employer requires it.

Like you, I wear my seatbelt in a car and my helmet on my motorcycle and bicycle.


Inordinately Right
It seems you are frustrated because you believe you can not refute the points I make in my posts, and instead of continuing to try, you have taken to sending nonsense posts trying to get into a back and forth name calling thing and that doesn't interest me. So you can either attempt to refute the points I make in my posts or ignore me. Carry on.
I and many others have refuted your fictions many times.

You have 2 responses. "I don't understand", and "that doesn't make sense". Then you simply repeat the same stuff you were rambling about. A simple search of this site shows you doing that dozens and dozens of times.

You have nothing.
Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I and many others have refuted your fictions many times.

You have 2 responses. "I don't understand", and "that doesn't make sense". Then you simply repeat the same stuff you were rambling about. A simple search of this site shows you doing that dozens and dozens of times.

You have nothing.
Carry on.
All I got for you are the points I make in my posts, you can either respond to those points or you can ignore me. Carry on.


Inordinately Right
you can either respond to those points or you can ignore me. Carry on.
Actually I can do a whole variety of things other than those two things. For example, I can simply poke fun at you as a curious oddity and watch you squirm like we do with little Ricky.

No one takes this forum seriously, and they certainly don't take you two Canadians seriously. We just play with you until we get bored and move on.

Carry on kiddo.


I'm a star
Mfers said the same things about seat belts, oh seat belts don't really save you they trap you in the car. here is the thing, human beings can rationalize anything. And I mean anything. If you want to rationalize your strange no masking wearing identity as some anti government control stance because you are pretending to know masks don't work based on something you read on the internet, you can do that. I'll stick with people who have some level of expertise and the track record in nation's that have implemented mass mask wearing and social distancing orders, But you do you.

That's the beauty of oversimplifying the factors and following logic that is completely decoupled from data and anchored firmly in political ideology. You claim experts and countries with good track records for doing what you think they should do.

You can claim "experts", but downplay my references to actual random controlled studies, published and peer reviewed by experts in their respective fields, as "something" I "read on the internet". Isn't that where you get your information? Man, you don't even see your own hypocrisy. Or maybe you do and don't care?

As for countries with good track records, there's a word or phrase for this logical fallacy, but I can't recall it at the moment. Basically you set conditions and say that if a country is doing well, it's because they followed the conditions properly, and if they don't do well, it's because people were not following your idea of what they should be doing well enough. This is the mentality driving the liberal world view. No amount of facts or data can overcome it, because they are so dug in and will only accept that which confirms their beliefs.

The facts are:

There is no evidence that masks slow the spread of ILI.

How a population responds to a virus is driven by demographics more than behavior modification. Blaming others for spreading a virus is like blaming them for a tidal wave.

Destroying people's lives by randomly clamping down on some economic activities and not others has caused, and will continue to cause, much more harm than the virus has or will.

I'm sorry if the facts don't support your irrational views. I'm sure your simply dismiss the facts, but you can't deny them. It's bizarre that people build an identity around stubbornly causing as much harm as possible while demanding people believe their actions are actually helping. It is an irrational and clownish pov.


Well-Known Member
He's baiting you. One minute we're the richest country on earth the next we're an empire in decline. Whichever he thinks helps him make his point at the moment.

Control measures don't actually do much, except maybe delay the inevitable. This virus isn't close to the most deadly we've ever encountered, but, as a planet, we've expended more resources on failed attempts at containment than fight even worse diseases. The main reason any population may do better than others is demographic in nature. We currently have no way to know that Covid didn't sweep through some places before we were aware of its existence. We don't know why some people are susceptible and others aren't. We know O blood types have an easier time dealing with the virus.

My guess is most countries don't have the healthcare resources to keep so many people with severe health conditions alive. In those countries the people who would have died of Covid are already dead because they don't have access to the things that we use to artificially extend people's lives. How many people in the US are on drugs designed specifically to limit immune response because they have an autoimmune disorder? Those people would probably be dead in a third world country, here, pre-covid, they are alive, but more susceptible to infectious agents. People like Ricky have to smooth over complicating factors because they don't understand them, and they don't help the narrative they are pushing.
no im not.

you can be the richest country on earth and the empire in decline at the same time. your infrastructure doesnt reflect your wealth it reflects the second point. being hte richest country doesnt mean you have the highest standard of living either.

like ive said im not a huge expert on covid, but none of the guys i listen to say what you say. and considering how corrupt trump is, not to mention the republican party, its not hard to imagine the numbers being as bad as they are.

why is NZ doing so well?


Well-Known Member
Slower to accept claims that are not supported by data? Not slow, we will never accept popular opinion as a substitute for rigorous, scientifically derived evidence. I'm sorry pro-maskers are so quick to accept opinion as fact. Must make life extremely difficult for them. :(
your mask assertions go against hte science LOL

so does your global warming assertions


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't believe people should be forced to use a seat belt or wear a motorcycle helmet. If people want to kill themselves--so be it. The world is over populated anyway and the gene pool needs cleaned out on occasion. (by the way-- I always use my seat belt and wear my helmet on the motorcycle---Mama didn't raise no fool).
i do because i dont want to see your mangled body bc you didnt want to wear a seatbelt. not wearing a helmet increases costs of healthcare so im in favor of enforcement its much more efficient.


Well-Known Member
Human beings can rationalize anything. And I mean anything. They choose to rationalize these strange mask mandate obsessions because they are deranged and in a death cult.

President Trump is starting ww3 with north korea we're all going to die.

President Trump is starting ww3 with Iran we're all going to die.

President Trump is responsible for forest fires we're all going to die.

The world is ending in 12 years from climate change we're all going to die.

There's going to be millions of Chinese virus deaths we're all going to die.

Liberalism is a mental illness, hopefully they get their wish and die.
there has been a million deaths.

and youre right about everything else.


Inordinately Right
and youre right about everything else.
Did you know Joe Biden is a segregationist?


Well-Known Member
Mfers said the same things about seat belts, oh seat belts don't really save you they trap you in the car. here is the thing, human beings can rationalize anything. And I mean anything. If you want to rationalize your strange no masking wearing identity as some anti government control stance because you are pretending to know masks don't work based on something you read on the internet, you can do that. I'll stick with people who have some level of expertise and the track record in nation's that have implemented mass mask wearing and social distancing orders, But you do you.
i havent heard a doctor say dont wear a mask.

i think this is another global warming case where over whelmingly the scientists say one thing and then you have a small quite often corrupt minority that says the other.


Well-Known Member
What an utter disaster that white house event has turned out to be. The level of incompetence holding that event and endangering the life of the President, and now 3 republican senators have tested positive for covid. Trump was on oxygen at some point. This is just an utter failure of leadership and sound judgement. They literally did this to themselves. And now we find out trump KNEW he had the virus on Wednesday and went around other people just potentially spreading the virus around. His doctor just said the diagnosis was 72hrs ago, that puts it at Wednesday morning and yet he didn't tell the American people, and he still went to events on Thursday purposely spreading this virus to others. This behavior is despicable. trump is truly a horrible selfish person.

sources other then CNN?