

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
FFS you're so consumed by TDS I can see blood leaking from your, wherever. Change your tampon you idiot.
Typical. I wouldn't listen to the experts, either.
Apparently Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has blood leaking from his.....?

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has already said it will take up to 18 months to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus — a time frame much shorter than the usual two- to five-year window. There are straightforward reasons it’s impossible to roll out new vaccines for public consumption overnight: They need to be developed, tested for effectiveness and safety during trials, approved by regulators, manufactured, and then distributed. Each of those steps takes time."

Your TDS (Trump d sucking) has made it impossible for you to comprehend facts from the real experts.
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Inordinately Right
"The World Health Organization (WHO) has already said it will take up to 18 months to develop a vaccine for Covid-19,
The same organization that chastised Trump for putting in place the travel restrictions that has slowed the spread here?

The same organization that has praised China for transparency and how they handled their outbreak, despite facts to the contrary?

The same organization that has completely botched their job of helping the world deal with this?

That's all you got?
You're so ignorant bro.


Inordinately Right
Anybody else remember the anthrax scare over a decade ago? Same :censored2:, different day.
anthrax, swine flu, bird flu, sars, ebola, zika.
Wrong. Quit showing your stupidity.
That's funny you disagree now.
You posted this when Obama was president:
Thousands of people die every year from the common flu.
First we had SARS, next the Swine Flu. Now everyone is losing their minds over Ebola.

Gotta love it....
Apparently we need to develop a vaccine for your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Get a grip snowflake.


Staff member
The same organization that chastised Trump for putting in place the travel restrictions that has slowed the spread here?

The same organization that has praised China for transparency and how they handled their outbreak, despite facts to the contrary?

The same organization that has completely botched their job of helping the world deal with this?

That's all you got?
You're so ignorant bro.
Trump and his followers are the only ones not taking this seriously.


Got the T-Shirt
This virus is Gods way of thinning the herd.

Nature has a way of correcting imbalances.

So does Darwin....



Well-Known Member
I had a conspiracy nut tell me COVID-19 was created to wipe out the Baby Boomers because the government was evil or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Misinformation Lives Online, Despite Efforts to Stamp It Out

A review by The Wall Street Journal found dozens of pages and groups that have sprung up on Facebook to offer virus-related news and places to talk, some rife with comments or posts stoking fear about the virus or circulating unproven information.

False virus information could be more damaging than false content related to political discourse that has received attention in recent years, according to academics who study misinformation, because it might lead people to make misinformed decisions about their health or cause unwarranted panic.

One video posted to YouTube claimed that the Central Intelligence Agency has used the coronavirus as part of an “attack on Bernie,” referring to Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate.

A spokesman from Mr. Sanders’s Senate office said he couldn’t comment on campaign-related matters, and campaign representatives couldn’t be reached for comment. A spokesman for the CIA said the agency “does not comment on such outlandish and offensive misinformation.”