
Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Seattle, LA, Chicago, New York, and every liberal college campus will be to sick to vote this fall. Instead Bernie that pied Piper will lead it's faithful followers to the workers Paradise of China to experience all their dreams.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Lol. Hack bias reporting. People think this thing is automatic death.

Most dying are unhealthy folks with severe medical problems. Even then, the numbers are incredibly small.
Yep! Although the coronavirus has a larger death rate it is still being drastically overhyped. The true numbers are coming to light now that there are a lot of cases in Korea and Italy. We can somewhat trust the numbers they are pushing out unlike the numbers coming from the Chinese.

Those numbers show that it is, in fact, mostly the elderly that are succumbing to the virus. But leave it to the media and their sheep to spread fear and paranoia. They probably wouldn’t be pushing it so hard if this wasn’t an election year and they did not I hate the incumbent POTUS with a passion.


Well-Known Member
Laugh and joke all you want to but here's what has people worried.As you know a safe and effective public vaccine is 12-18 months away even if they do come up with one to begin but as I said the worry and rightfully so is that COVID 19 has a seasonal component to it and comes back this fall even more dangerous virulent that what we've experienced thus far.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I'm not laughing, my sarcastic replies are for the thought discussions.

If you're just a number at work what makes people think big government is their friend.


Strength through joy
Never had a chance to vote on it.
Local SJC made a ruling , it was up to Beacon Hill to vote on it or not, they played politics and let the ruling stand.
Thus Massachusetts was the first to officially approve of gay marriage.

El Correcto

god is dead
You want my two cents? Turn your tv off and stay away from all other types of media for a while. You’ll be a lot happier and maybe you’ll see that :censored2: isn’t as bad as the media tries to make it out to be.

You’ve already been exposed as being a hypocrite so your opinion means absolute :censored2: to me.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Yep! Although the coronavirus has a larger death rate it is still being drastically overhyped. The true numbers are coming to light now that there are a lot of cases in Korea and Italy. We can somewhat trust the numbers they are pushing out unlike the numbers coming from the Chinese.

Those numbers show that it is, in fact, mostly the elderly that are succumbing to the virus. But leave it to the media and their sheep to spread fear and paranoia. They probably wouldn’t be pushing it so hard if this wasn’t an election year and they did not I hate the incumbent POTUS with a passion.
They hate Sanders more. Just saying. Winning against Biden in the general will be a cakewalk. Not a suprise then that the left-of-center (aka socialists) are not freaking out either. It's all (morbid, but unsuprising) facts that have been known for a long while.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
most of these cases in the u.s are idiots who traveled to hot spots and came back. then gave it to their family and friends

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
All these cases in the US, how many were Asian or in close contact with Asian?

I’d tell you but only 75,000 of 1,000,000 promised test kits became available this week. Will be too much community spread by the time enough tests are available to trace most cases.