Pops is assuming a viable vaccine will ever be created. We have been unsuccessful in the past with coronavirus vaccines, and should have learned from those lessons. The idea that we could develop a safe vaccine before the pandemic would have run its course is not based in any evidence at all.
I can guarantee you a coronavirus related fund to help the vulnerable stay safe, and the poor to pay covid related medical bills would have been cheaper than the "stimulus" they gave to everyone, which wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't locked down.
As for profiting off immorality, that concept has no meaning if morality is relative. What it really means is that you don't like that people made money off of a situation that hurt a lot of people. If they hadn't, then the only ones who would have profited would have been the ones who created the problem, or had the power to stop it and didn't. It's a hard sell claiming opportunism as immoral when just about everything anyone does is opportunistic. The ones smart enough to take advantage of a situation they didn't create and couldn't stop should not bear any blame at all.
ive seen the timeline of vaccines in the past, including ones theyve never gotten vaccines for. yea i dunno man i havent heard enough about it recently.
what stimulus did american people get anyways? i thought it wasnt that much like one time payment of $1200.
we got $2000 a month since march 15 and that ended oct 3, and now they boosted welfare to the same. the french got 85% of their wage until summer 2021.
if them taking advantage of a bad situation to make money is adding to the problem, which i think it was if i recall, then they shouldnt do it. some people have more power than others, but we can all play our part. we all have moral responsibility over what we can influence. maybe its better to suffer wrong than to do wrong. im a huge believer in the golden rule, otherwise you are are hypocrite right?
i shape my life around making the world a better place not profits. maybe we are trending towards an opportunistic society.
chomsky thinks we have a built in conception of whats right. i noticed that with my dog too, when he plays hes careful not to attack dogs eyes or hes just careful with small dogs and tiny kids. chomsky talks about when countries go to war they say its always to defend themselves or spread democracy or save someone, or inequality is justified by trickling down to the poor etc.
why do you take the conservative positions you do? because you think its good for people right?
cornel west speaks of moral consistency. for example an american life is equally precious as an iranian life.
hedges says its better to fight for justice and fail, than to give up.