Appliances are all complete garbage now. It's luck of the draw to get one that lasts any amount of time past its warranty, even if you pay $2500 for a fridge.
We have a toaster that's more than 20 years old, and it's not working as well as it used to. But we've tried other toasters, and they cost 20 to 50 bucks and you are lucky if they last over a year.
Light bulbs all suck. LED's say they will last 20 years or some crazy long time. Have yet to have one last more than 3 months. My son says LED stands for "lets everyone down"
. Even now that you can get incandescent bulbs again, they seem to burn out pretty quick too. Not as good as before.
Cars may be ok, but replacement parts are not. Keep having to replace the same parts over and over again.
We can almost not eat out anywhere because restaurant food, fast or sit down, tends to make at least one of us sick every time we try.
Don't get me started on building supplies. Absolute garbage now. Bought some 2x6 lumber, none of it was the same width. Some had the straight corners, not the milled edges. Plywood has a lot of voids in the inner plies. Nails bend like crazy, and heads break off when you try to pull them out because they bent.
I could probably continue, but I think I made my point.