
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I recently watched Midsommar. The pagan Harga have a really eloquent solution to problems such as nursing homes, medicare and social security. When their people reach a certain age, everyone gathers around and watches them jump off a cliff and try to face plant into a giant rock below killing them instantly. If they miss the rock below and survive, three people walk up with a really big wooden hammer and take turns finishing the job. The names of the dead are given to newly born children and the cycle of life and death continues.

It got me thinking about the Grand Canyon and how to solve America’s elderly problem.
I don't think that is how reincarnation works!
“We are entering the most concerning and most deadly phase of this pandemic … leading to increasing mortality,” Birx wrote Monday in a report for top White House officials, according to the Post. “This is not about lockdowns — It hasn’t been about lockdowns since March or April. It’s about an aggressive balanced approach that is not being implemented.”
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has continued to downplay the threat of the virus. He has held rallies with hundreds of attendees, many of whom don’t wear masks, and has falsely claimed the ballooning number of COVID-19 cases across the country is due to increased testing. In the lead-up to Election Day, Trump has been campaigning by fearmongering about a “Biden lockdown,” saying there will be “no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas” if his rival wins.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The U.S. recorded nearly 100,000 new COVID-19 cases on Friday — a grim worldwide record. As of Monday, more than 9.2 million people in the U.S. have had confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 231,000 have died.
Dr. Deborah Birx speaks to the media outside the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Oct. 9. This week, she urged

PHOTO BY JOHN TLUMACKI/THE BOSTON GLOBE VIA GETTY IMAGESDr. Deborah Birx speaks to the media outside the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Oct. 9. This week, she urged the White House to take “much more aggressive action” to tackle COVID-19, according to The Washington Post.

Birx’s memo went out a day after Trump suggested he may fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, after the election. Fauci has repeatedly and publicly warned that the pandemic is getting worse in the U.S. He also praised Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in a Washington Post interview last week, saying the former vice president is taking the pandemic “seriously from a public health perspective.”

Birx has been frustrated that Dr. Scott Atlas, a radiologist with no expertise in infectious diseases, increasingly has influence at the White House, according to CNN. She has spent recent months traveling to meet with state and local officials about preventing the spread of COVID-19.
During a visit to Chicago late last month, Birx warned that closing public spaces may not be enough to curb the virus’s spread. She noted that some of the recent increases may be due to gatherings in people’s homes as many regions get colder, making outdoor activities more difficult.
Fauci has similarly warned that coronavirus may spread if people hold holiday gatherings indoors.


El Correcto

god is dead
How do idiots take these people seriously. My favorite part is an obnoxious TV host is their boss that goes around bad mouthing them and they have the bare it or get fired.
Trump is a fear mongerer, says lady predicting everyone is going to die from a cold.
We'll hit 1,000 deaths per day in a matter of weeks and horrible, horrible projections from the Institute of Health metrics by February 1st we'll be looking at 2,000 American deaths per day with the numbers reaching 400,000.

"We're looking at a doubling of the number of Americans who perish in this covid-19 epidemic, all of which was predicted, all of which was preventable, had we had some national leadership."

Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean Baylor College of Medicine

El Correcto

god is dead
We'll hit 1,000 deaths per day in a matter of weeks and horrible, horrible projections from the Institute of Health metrics by February 1st we'll be looking at 2,000 American deaths per day with the numbers reaching 400,000.

"We're looking at a doubling of the number of Americans who perish in this covid-19 epidemic, all of which was predicted, all of which was preventable, had we had some national leadership."

Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean Baylor College of Medicine
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?


Strength through joy
We'll hit 1,000 deaths per day in a matter of weeks and horrible, horrible projections from the Institute of Health metrics by February 1st we'll be looking at 2,000 American deaths per day with the numbers reaching 400,000.

"We're looking at a doubling of the number of Americans who perish in this covid-19 epidemic, all of which was predicted, all of which was preventable, had we had some national leadership."

Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean Baylor College of Medicine
It sounds like this guy WANTS all these deaths.
239.702 dead Americans, 9.786+million infected. Today has seen another 1,000+ dead. Obviously, the election didn’t stop the virus like many Trump supporters predicted. 93,000+ have been diagnosed today. America has seen a huge spike in infections in the last week. As we all know, a rise in infections leads to a rise in deaths in a couple weeks. America’s hospitals are struggling. Trump has failed America!