
I'm sure Joe can fix it.

Whats his plan again?
  • Testing as many people per day as are currently tested per week by doubling the number of testing sites in the U.S.; investing in rapid and at-home tests; creating a Pandemic Testing Board to oversee test production; and building out a 100,000-person national contact tracing workforce that would collaborate with community groups.
  • Ramping up production of personal protective equipment like masks and face shields.
  • Working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to produce clear guidance for businesses, schools and other facilities trying to reopen, accompanied by government funding for businesses, schools and state and local governments.
  • Creating (and investing $25 billion in) a vaccine production-and-distribution plan that ensures free and equitable access, while allowing scientists to clearly communicate progress with the public.
  • Protecting vulnerable populations like the elderly and people of color, including through a COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force, and publishing a real-time data dashboard that provides local information about the outbreak.
  • Restoring the White House office responsible for monitoring global health risks, which Trump disbanded in its original form in 2018, and rejoining the World Health Organization, among other efforts to strengthen the U.S.’ global health response.
  • Encouraging universal masking by urging governors and local lawmakers to enforce mandates.
Reading the plan, “I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘What if we had this all along during the pandemic?’ What a different place we would be in,” says Dr. Leana Wen, a professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health.


Joe Biden is The Big Guy
  • Testing as many people per day as are currently tested per week by doubling the number of testing sites in the U.S.; investing in rapid and at-home tests; creating a Pandemic Testing Board to oversee test production; and building out a 100,000-person national contact tracing workforce that would collaborate with community groups.
  • Ramping up production of personal protective equipment like masks and face shields.
  • Working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to produce clear guidance for businesses, schools and other facilities trying to reopen, accompanied by government funding for businesses, schools and state and local governments.
  • Creating (and investing $25 billion in) a vaccine production-and-distribution plan that ensures free and equitable access, while allowing scientists to clearly communicate progress with the public.
  • Protecting vulnerable populations like the elderly and people of color, including through a COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force, and publishing a real-time data dashboard that provides local information about the outbreak.
  • Restoring the White House office responsible for monitoring global health risks, which Trump disbanded in its original form in 2018, and rejoining the World Health Organization, among other efforts to strengthen the U.S.’ global health response.
  • Encouraging universal masking by urging governors and local lawmakers to enforce mandates.
Reading the plan, “I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘What if we had this all along during the pandemic?’ What a different place we would be in,” says Dr. Leana Wen, a professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health.

He going to try anything that has not already been done?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Does your chain link fence keep mosquitoes out of your yard?

It's spreading and the experts don't know how. Sleepy Joe says all you have to do is wear a mask and this goes away. Oops, everyone is doing that and they have been.
So that’s 2 people that will sneeze in someone else’s face and we are wondering why mask usage is so poor and the virus is spreading uncontrolled. I think we have the answer and that answer is selfish stupidity of our population.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You l

You lost all credibility when you stated everyone is already wearing masks.
All I see is mask wearing, yet numbers are going up. Seventy percent of cases report following all the rules.

Short of a vaccine or the virus mutating, you can't stop it.
White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas apologized on Sunday for doing an interview with Russia's state-backed RT network, saying he "was unaware they are a registered foreign agent."

That's nice.


I'm a star
It's spreading and the experts don't kmow how.

I know. Biden is way off.

They know. It's already been confirmed in laboratory tests. 1000 to 10,000,000 virions per aerosolized droplet sized 1 to 10 microns. Each aerosolized droplet has enough virions to give a person breathing it in a 50/50 chance of being infected, and only 1 virion is all that is required to infect a person. Cloth coverings and medical grade masks don't stop that many droplets at that size range. Just take a breath out in the cold with your mask on. And those droplets stay suspended in the air for a very long time.

N95s still let 5% at that range through. The fact that masks catch a lot of droplets is irrelevant to the spread of viruses. It's just not enough. There's a reason researchers in virology labs wear this:


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
18 Trump rallies have led to 30,000 COVID-19 cases: Stanford University study

"A new study from Stanford University found that 18 of President Trump’s campaign rallies have led to over 30,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and likely led to over 700 deaths.

Researchers examined rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22, 2020, only three of which were held indoors.

The researchers then compared spread of the virus in the counties that held the rallies to counties that were on similar case trajectories before the rallies occurred.

The authors concluded that the rallies increased subsequent cases of COVID-19 by over 250 infections per 100,000 residents. They found that the events led to over 30,000 new cases in the country and likely resulted in over 700 deaths, but recognized that the deaths were “not necessarily among attendees.”

“Our analysis strongly supports the warnings and recommendations of public health officials concerning the risk of COVID-19 transmission at large group gatherings, particularly when the degree of compliance with guidelines concerning the use of masks and social distancing is low,” the authors wrote in the paper. “The communities in which Trump rallies took place paid a high price in terms of disease and death."