
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Stick with Alex Jones. BTW, how is donald's crack legal team doing?
Hunter is the one with the crack legal team.



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You sure fall for some stupid stuff.

The CDC dropped its expected death rate this year. After years and raising it every year. Because you know aging population and all. They decided to drop it this year. This inflates the excess deaths.
In remarks Thursday, officials from the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed projected that the COVID-19 vaccine would not begin to be widely available until late spring or summer. That sounds a lot different than what donald and his cronies have been claiming.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I remember when medical professionals said that would occur if no mitigating actions such as social distancing and masks wearing took place. In other words, a worst case scenario. You and donald always leave that part out.
Lol you couldn't even reach a million deaths even with fake inflated numbers.

You want more death because you think with more death means more blame on trump.

Dude, you're literally cheering on deaths because you hate someone. I cant help you

Also, you just admitted donald saved nearly 2 million lives.
Lol you couldn't even reach a million deaths even with fake inflated numbers.

You want more death because you think with more death means more blame on trump.

Dude, you're literally cheering on deaths because you hate someone. I cant help you

Also, you just admitted donald saved nearly 2 million lives.
The 2.2 number was an estimate if NO MEASURES at slowing the virus were taken. You are a bit slow.