
320,957 dead Americans, 17.896+ million infected. Yesterday saw another 2,794 dead. This third wave has been the deadliest to hit America. This recent surge is due to the stooges who still yell, “the flu kills more, it’s a fake virus, it will be gone the day of election, face masks don’t work“. Many right wingers were on Brown Cafe bragging that the virus was over this past July! Trump thought it would be over during this past Memorial Day. Don’t worry though, in the future, the slanted MSM will portray the heroism of the American spirit as we beat this disease. When in reality this virus has proved that America is full of whining babies. America has more whiners than heroes, most of the whiners are right wingers. Many of you right wingers have been wrong about this virus since day 1! Meanwhile you right wing loons keep posting your fake news.


Well-Known Member
Those Democrat politicians who ignored their own rules were super spreaders.

320,957 dead Americans, 17.896+ million infected. Yesterday saw another 2,794 dead. This third wave has been the deadliest to hit America. This recent surge is due to the stooges who still yell, “the flu kills more, it’s a fake virus, it will be gone the day of election, face masks don’t work“. Many right wingers were on Brown Cafe bragging that the virus was over this past July! Trump thought it would be over during this past Memorial Day. Don’t worry though, in the future, the slanted MSM will portray the heroism of the American spirit as we beat this disease. When in reality this virus has proved that America is full of whining babies. America has more whiners than heroes, most of the whiners are right wingers. Many of you right wingers have been wrong about this virus since day 1! Meanwhile you right wing loons keep posting your fake news.
Hats off to the liberal virus fighters who perished in the great battle of Whack-a-Mole Hill. "There he is, hit him in the head! No, wait, there he is! Damn, missed again! Look out behind you! No, he's gone! Wait, wait, he's all around us! We can't stop him, the Republicans werAIEEEE!!!!!!!!"


Inordinately Right

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the commie cough is the fake cough u do when people are walking to close to you on the sidewalk and you want htem to back off
Interesting. I would’ve thought you might tell people that if they get any closer you’ll have to make their belongings the property of the state. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
320,957 dead Americans, 17.896+ million infected. Yesterday saw another 2,794 dead. This third wave has been the deadliest to hit America. This recent surge is due to the stooges who still yell, “the flu kills more, it’s a fake virus, it will be gone the day of election, face masks don’t work“. Many right wingers were on Brown Cafe bragging that the virus was over this past July! Trump thought it would be over during this past Memorial Day. Don’t worry though, in the future, the slanted MSM will portray the heroism of the American spirit as we beat this disease. When in reality this virus has proved that America is full of whining babies. America has more whiners than heroes, most of the whiners are right wingers. Many of you right wingers have been wrong about this virus since day 1! Meanwhile you right wing loons keep posting your fake news.
How many infected and recovered?


Well-Known Member
This is how radical republicans have become, I frequently forget that there is a deadly new virus, that they still downplay its threat and pretend that wearing masks or government taking steps to protect public health is communism or an infringement on their freedoms. I mean these absurd positions are the actual positions of republicans. I mean the republican party is just incredibly radical. Let it sink in. In a world in which mandatory vaccinations have eradicated deadly diseases. In a world in which a deadly virus has killed well over 300,000 Americans the republican position is mandatory vaccinations are communism, and taking their freedom, wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the virus is communism and taking their freedom, and the government has no idea how many people have died from the virus or are the government is officially misleading everyone about the virus and china really created the virus. This is what republicans believe. Insane radical bs.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Most don't know that they will have a reaction until after taking the shot.
That’s an assumption.
So far, every person that has had a serious reaction already carried an Epipen.
The CDC came out with a recommendation today that people who have issues with anaphylaxis reactions should not take the vaccine.
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Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
This is how radical republicans have become, I frequently forget that there is a deadly new virus, that they still downplay its threat and pretend that wearing masks or government taking steps to protect public health is communism or an infringement on their freedoms. I mean these absurd positions are the actual positions of republicans. I mean the republican party is just incredibly radical. Let it sink in. In a world in which mandatory vaccinations have eradicated deadly diseases. In a world in which a deadly virus has killed well over 300,000 Americans the republican position is mandatory vaccinations are communism, and taking their freedom, wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the virus is communism and taking their freedom, and the government has no idea how many people have died from the virus or are the government is officially misleading everyone about the virus and china really created the virus. This is what republicans believe. Insane radical bs.
Friend, I'm sorry but regardless of what you think of trump... the government doesn't care about you. It only wants to profit off of you


Well-Known Member
Friend, I'm sorry but regardless of what you think of trump... the government doesn't care about you. It only wants to profit off of you
I have no idea what this means or how it relates to my posts. These kind of pretend philosophical discussions about does the government care about me are irrelevant. The question is can government power and policy be used to address real world problems? yes. Rich people are constantly begging the government. They created a whole industry where they do nothing but pay other people millions of dollars to beg the government on their behalf. Do you imagine industries worry about the philosophical question of whether the government cares about them when they are constantly begging the government to help them?

Again this has nothing to do with what I think about trump. Like objective reality exists, is trump thinking about declaring martial law in order to keep being president? Yes. Are republicans pretending there was massive voter fraud in the last election that only hurt trump and not other republicans? Yes. Do republicans believe that trump is waging a secret war on an cabal that controls the world molests children and drinks their blood and whose members are top Democrats, Hollywood elites, and big business? Yes. Are republicans in the Senate not wanting to give checks or extend unemployment benefits and aid to states, but do want to protect corporations from being sued if their employees get COVID? Yes Are republicans pretending that mandatory masks or vaccines are communism and taking away their freedom? Yes Are republicans saying that the government doesn't know how many people have died of covid and that the government is lying about how many people have died of covid? yes