

Strength through joy
I question the CDC death report.
Seasonally adjusted there are 7400-8400 normal deaths per month in the country.
The Greatest Generation is dying at a rate of thousands a month, have they been added to the CDC's numbers to increase the fear factor ?
303,048 dead Americans, 16.336+million infected. Diaper Donnie is still in hiding, though it’s Saturday he’s probably got his fat butt on the golf course. He’s to fat to walk the course, so as other fat people do, he gets a cart. Donald Trump has golfed more than any President in US history. The state of Texas again led in deaths yesterday. That state is in a big hurry to surpass NY in the death department. Texas has failed miserably at controlling the virus. Republican states are a joke right now.
Thanks to the failures of Donald Trump America is now losing 3,000 a day. You can blame the anti-maskers.You can blame that drug biker rally. You can blame those idiots that stormed state Capitols. You can blame those failed Trump rallies. Some right wing dope will yell, “what about those protests?” Many wore masks and as science has proven the virus is much more spread in closed environments. Donald Trump is killing more Americans daily then any President in history! Yes, folks it’s time to “lock him up!”


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Nice work California. If you look at their numbers they’re well over 50% of our increase since thanksgiving.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I question the CDC death report.
Seasonally adjusted there are 7400-8400 normal deaths per month in the country.
The Greatest Generation is dying at a rate of thousands a month, have they been added to the CDC's numbers to increase the fear factor ?
The CDC DROPPED their baseline death rates by 2% this year. Thus increasing how bad the excess death numbers look


I'm a star
The CDC DROPPED their baseline death rates by 2% this year. Thus increasing how bad the excess death numbers look

Doesn't matter though, just need to look at the deaths rate over the last 70 years. This year is on track to be the first year since the 50's that the death rate has decreased from the year before.
Nice work California. If you look at their numbers they’re well over 50% of our increase since thanksgiving. View attachment 321105

Man, if only they locked down harder, this could all be over. SMH.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Doesn't matter though, just need to look at the deaths rate over the last 70 years. This year is on track to be the first year since the 50's that the death rate has decreased from the year before.

Man, if only they locked down harder, this could all be over. SMH.
I wish I could call the Stock Market as well as I called this!