

Inordinately Right

A Chinese court on Monday handed down a four-year jail sentence to a citizen-journalist who raised alarms about the coronavirus outbreak from its epicenter in Wuhan last year.

Chinese authorities worked hard to cover up the dangers of the virus during the early days of the outbreak, censuring and detaining a number of doctors and journalists in Wuhan.

A study released in March found that if interventions in China has been "conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively — significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease."

A Chinese court on Monday handed down a four-year jail sentence to a citizen-journalist who raised alarms about the coronavirus outbreak from its epicenter in Wuhan last year.

Chinese authorities worked hard to cover up the dangers of the virus during the early days of the outbreak, censuring and detaining a number of doctors and journalists in Wuhan.

A study released in March found that if interventions in China has been "conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively — significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease."
According to Bob Woodward's book, trump also tried to cover up the dangers of the virus.


Strength through joy
Well let's see...the government has kept everyone at home, closed down jobs and restricts everyone's movements.
That will work for me.


Well-Known Member

Whaaatttt? Newsom has shut down parts of California twice and has people living in fear of COVID with all sorts of rules and yet the state is number ONE for most cases per capita. Many people have condemned Governor DeSantis for opening Florida up and yet Florida isn’t even in the top ten. Things that make you go hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
The question I come back to is what do republican voters want from the republican party? Is it lower taxes on wealthy Americans or lower regulations on big corporations or a strong national defense that fights multiple military battles across the globe that republicans at the national level push.
I think Republican voters want a certain story of how they and the republican party are the last line of defense. That they are protecting America from total annihilation from, the left, big tech, Hollywood, the media, and academia. They are pushing this ideology of anti Americanism, and pro communism, socialism, critical race theory, feminism, Islam, mass immigration, etc. this is what all these bizarre conspiracy theories about qanon, pizzagate, antifa or Blm or Islam, or Mexican immigrants, or left communists taking over are all about. It’s the same story retold to fill that same want which is telling republican voters, that we are all fighting against these groups of Americans whom they see as a threat and a danger to the very existence of the American way of life.


Well-Known Member
This is why it’s easy for republican voters to see a deadly disease, not as a public health issue, which the government is to be judged on how well it’s protecting public health, but instead coronavirus becomes another tool being used by the left, the media, big tech, to steal their American way of life to institute communism, to silence republican’s dissent. This is the function of the Republican Party in the lives of Republican voters. A conspiracy story machine feeding them stories of Republican persecution at the hands of the all powerful left. These conspiracy stories are aimed at telling them everyone one is out to get them and no one can be a trusted source of information except other republicans.


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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns