But if you need to catch the disease to gain the added immunity, you still have a greater risk of dying just getting to the same point as if you were vaccinated, and ALL the science shows that even if you previously had ovid, you can still catch it again- in at least 9000 cases- within 6 months- and still die from it. 7 people died out of 9000 documented with covid for the second time within 6 months, That is approximately the same rate as the number of vaccinated people who get covid, who die. And that just about says it all. You want people to risk dying to become immune once, for a brief period, and still end up with about the same risk of dying again as if they had the vaccine. And because even the so called natural immunity wanes, people reading this crap may thing they have life long immunity and no chance of dying from a second case, if they survived the first case. And the argument that natural immunity is 6-7 times better (at first) than a vaccine is a reason for booster shots. Instead of possibly catching covid and dying to boost immunity, just get the vaccine. NO ONE has developed covid from getting the imunity the vaccine gives. Some people are just sooooo afraid of a tiny shot in the arm, and would rather have 100 times the risk of death vs getting vaccinated as compared to someone unvaccinated who has never had covid. Almost EVERYONE who has had a severe case of covid wants to be vaccinated once they recover, if they recover, and increase their odds against getting it again.