Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
A vaccine that you need to get boosters for a couple of times a year that does nothing to stop you catching or spreading the virus. It just makes it more likely you will get less sick after you catch the virus. Weigh that against your own personal risks and unknown side effects. People should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they should get the shots.
Just like the current situation, where no one is taken to be vaccinated against their will.


Well-Known Member
For the 1,000th time, I'm not remotely vulnerable to the virus. I've had it. I barely knew it.

If I were vulnerable, I'd probably have gotten the pfizer.

But I'm opining that being a dead, fatty, unvaccinated American is better than being a commie.
If you had it, and had ANY symptoms, it means you are vulnerable. That is the definition of vulnerable.


Well-Known Member
What I would like to know from all you so called experts is what will this vaccine and booster shots do to me one year or two years from now? Could somebody please find me the science on that.
Nothing. All the ingredients have been used for decades, and the active part that stimulates the immune response is gone within a couple months- broken down by your body. The vaccine doesn't kill the virus- it stimulates your own body to kill it.


Well-Known Member
6 billion doses...
1 in 1000 chance of Myocarditis?
Therefore, if our cohort captured all cases in the Ottawa area, then the incidence of myocarditis would be 0.1% of all vaccine doses (32 cases/32,379 doses x 100), or 10 cases of myocarditis for every 10,000 doses of vaccine.
And almost all cases of myocarditis clear up on their own quickly, with zero symptoms. And treatments are available for the very few of the very few of the very few who do have symptoms.


Well-Known Member
You are comparing U.S. vaccine related deaths to worldwide doses. Apples to oranges.
And death rates in the US from the vaccine are even lower, and the few cases were early, before it was understood. Almost ZERO deaths since the reactions were learned of and treatments were made available if you are one of the 13,000 out of 6 billion who have a severe reaction. Deaths now are LESSS than when doses were first, so the chance is more like 1000 out of 6 billion that you could die from the vaccine. And 13,000 was the number of WORLD WIDE deaths from the vaccine, where some of the vaccines have not met the more vigorous US standards.