Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
And had he stayed put, the power would have worked?
Of course not. Thats kind of like saying "If my child was sick and I stayed, would that make my child get well? " Probably not. But I would still stay to show my support and fulfill my role. This is all I'm going to say on this matter.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Sounds like……an……………Agenda!
My dad was telling me how they did it in my home state. The governor would go on and on each day about the positivity rate. When that wasn't a big issue, he talked about the infection rate. Then the death rate. Then ICU usage. Then recent deaths. Then total deaths. He'd switch back and forth depending on which stat painted the bleakest picture.


Well-Known Member
I’ve drank so much moonshine in my life that was never inspected by a government agency or stamped “approved.” Two vaccine shots ain’t gonna hurt me. It amazes me that the same people who scream about something needing to be government approved are the same people screaming about the government watching over them.


Well-Known Member
It’s too good of a distraction to let go. How many people are focusing on the border disaster right now? It’s why the democrats pulled a big “oops” and let the eviction moratorium run out. To distract people & keep frustrations focused on the pandemic related issues while they bus illegal immigrants into the country at night and fly them all over the country to replenish their dwindling black vote.
actually its to fill up the worker pool. Don't be fooled. Republicans want illegals here to lower wages. Someone coming in from another country will be willing to be exploited and say nothing all in hopes of getting a green card. Democrats will make it happen with the blessing(Donor Money) of the corporations and the ok from the Republicans. Todays democrat is the 1980's republican. Its like this, the Republicans are Stone Cold Steve Austin The Democrats are Goldberg and Jeff Bezos, or any other billionaire, is Vince McMahon. Just scripted THEATER which makes the people at the top richer and Powerful.


Well-Known Member
actually its to fill up the worker pool. Don't be fooled. Republicans want illegals here to lower wages. Someone coming in from another country will be willing to be exploited and say nothing all in hopes of getting a green card. Democrats will make it happen with the blessing(Donor Money) of the corporations and the ok from the Republicans. Todays democrat is the 1980's republican. Its like this, the Republicans are Stone Cold Steve Austin The Democrats are Goldberg and Jeff Bezos, or any other billionaire, is Vince McMahon. Just scripted THEATER which makes the people at the top richer and Powerful.
I would see all the Trump signs at the farmers house….and all the illegals working the fields for him. Odd


Well-Known Member
So where do must illegals end up working…Wall Street???
The worst display of intelligence is someone thinking illegal immigration is perfectly fine because they’ll do the low paying jobs Americans don’t want. I find that point of view to usually go hand in hand with stupidity.


Well-Known Member
It’s too good of a distraction to let go. How many people are focusing on the border disaster right now? It’s why the democrats pulled a big “oops” and let the eviction moratorium run out. To distract people & keep frustrations focused on the pandemic related issues while they bus illegal immigrants into the country at night and fly them all over the country to replenish their dwindling black vote.

You stopped and asked for their papers?
I guess some Americans just assume if you are Hispanic and working hard at a labor job, you must be illegal. Construction workers, landscapers, roofers, painters, etc. Its a bad prejudice. It may be true in some cases, but it does an extreme disservice to those who are here legally and unlike a lot of native born Americans, do grueling work day after day. I have big respect for them.


Well-Known Member
My dad was telling me how they did it in my home state. The governor would go on and on each day about the positivity rate. When that wasn't a big issue, he talked about the infection rate. Then the death rate. Then ICU usage. Then recent deaths. Then total deaths. He'd switch back and forth depending on which stat painted the bleakest picture.
Thanks, son! (Dont forget to call your Mom)


Well-Known Member
Must’ve gone to same school as AOC.
So you didn't ask for their papers, you just assumed they're illegals because they have brown skin. Typical racist Democrat.

Or your whole little story is BS, which is just as likely.
I guess some Americans just assume if you are Hispanic and working hard at a labor job, you must be illegal. Construction workers, landscapers, roofers, painters, etc. Its a bad prejudice. It may be true in some cases, but it does an extreme disservice to those who are here legally and unlike a lot of native born Americans, do grueling work day after day. I have big respect for them.
I focused on farm workers. Even the illegals think a citizen working in field is an idiot. Born in the U.S.A. and working in the fields — what gives?


Inordinately Right

I focused on farm workers. Even the illegals think a citizen working in field is an idiot. Born in the U.S.A. and working in the fields — what gives?
You said you drove by a farm with a trump sign and saw illegal workers.

How did you know they were illegal?
Typical racist Democrat.


Well-Known Member
I guess some Americans just assume if you are Hispanic and working hard at a labor job, you must be illegal. Construction workers, landscapers, roofers, painters, etc. Its a bad prejudice. It may be true in some cases, but it does an extreme disservice to those who are here legally and unlike a lot of native born Americans, do grueling work day after day. I have big respect for them.
I have massive respect for anyone that comes here legally. Because clearly you don’t have to go that route. We can’t have people walking across the border, getting off a plane or boat, and just deciding they’re American. Go on a Caribbean cruise and see if you can just decide to be Jamaican. It’s not the way it works.


Well-Known Member
Ok you got me. Masters degree and PHD I. The fields. Lots of Goldberg’s O’Connors. Again you guys claim millions of illegals here. Where are they employed mostly.