Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
You may not know this, but the 7 day average changes every day unless the number of dead every following day is exactly the same. That is how averages work.
Yah but in order to have a one day number that high with the 7 day average lower then other days were much lower. That is how averages work.


Inordinately Right
dmac1 Ooowwwwwnnnsss U


Inordinately Right
Republicans have been trained by Dear Leader to react with Lie liar etc etc
You're projecting comrade:
Trump had lied over 16000 instances
they all lied
Lies. Just like a Trumper.
More right wing LIES
If you want to be LIED to click the Play arrow
More lies. Trumpy want be liar. Fact check:
Lies. Trump surrendered
Reeeeeeeeee lies lies lies Reeeeeeeeee