Oh yes they do. Sure they like cheaper shipping options but a lot of them get pissed off with Ground. Get out into the real world once in awhile and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two. But I doubt it.
The COVID pandemic is expected to remain present into July and just about time we catch up with it chances are fall will be here and we'll be right back at this again. With Ground it's good to see that the media has pulled back the curtain and showed the entire country the truth surrounding FXG.
As tragic as COVID 19 is I can say however that I'm proud of my decision not to expand into additional routes.
The simple fact of the matter is, if there's not enough in it to enable the contractor to give his drivers the protection found in a family sustaining wage, an employer funded health/life insurance, a sickness/disability plan and something in the way of a retirement plan then it's a venture he shouldn't even be involved with in the first place. The other carriers have provide it and for good reasons including getting the best people.
So what do contractor employed drivers have to look forward to? What are they going to come away with after they are too beaten up to continue ,are simply disposed of by their contractor employer and tossed back out into the economy to try and survive on their own? The answer is simple. Medicaid and Social Security Disability......That's if they're lucky enough to get it.........And that's the real world reality of the so called "Purple Promise".