Democrats Are Becoming The Party of Hate


Well-Known Member
" I wasn't aware"......You got that right. Putting the kid up for adoption .....great......But what if nobody wants it and who will take care of the kid while they go look for somebody to take it ? What's the state supposed to do? . Give the kid back to the parents who didn't want it in the first place ?
But where are all these kids at that people are just turning over to the state? Walking away from their personal responsibility? Where are all these states where they just take unwanted children? And the hilarious thing is if we talk about cutting expenses in government you start screaming bloody murder about not spending money for a million different things. But talk about ending abortion and suddenly you're a fiscal hawk. Where's the money coming from you cry! Here's an idea, make people responsible for their actions. When there's no easy outlet a lot of people will act more responsibly. If they want sex they can get married and take responsibility for their children. If there ends up being backalley abortions, that's sad, but better than wholesale assembly line abortions. And by the way there are laws on the books concerning pedophiles going overseas to have sex with children. Can just as easily have laws concerning having abortions overseas. It's time for people to stop being irresponsible, or face the consequences of their actions.


Well-Known Member
I think Democrats demean the value of life up until birth. Then the Republicans demean it up until death.
Republicans are for personal responsibility and hard work. Democrats are for no interference with their right to feel sensations. You can see it everywhere in Democrat controlled cities.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I what way do the Repugs demean life?
They love to eat meat, love guns, love starting wars, love bombing anyone, love kidnapping children, love burning coal and oil to the detriment of all life on Earth, love the death penalty, love imprisoning people for minor non-violent offenses. That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
They love to eat meat, love guns, love starting wars, love bombing anyone, love kidnapping children, love burning coal and oil to the detriment of all life on Earth, love the death penalty, love imprisoning people for minor non-violent offenses. That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more.
I thought you were being serious.


Well-Known Member
But where are all these kids at that people are just turning over to the state? Walking away from their personal responsibility? Where are all these states where they just take unwanted children? And the hilarious thing is if we talk about cutting expenses in government you start screaming bloody murder about not spending money for a million different things. But talk about ending abortion and suddenly you're a fiscal hawk. Where's the money coming from you cry! Here's an idea, make people responsible for their actions. When there's no easy outlet a lot of people will act more responsibly. If they want sex they can get married and take responsibility for their children. If there ends up being backalley abortions, that's sad, but better than wholesale assembly line abortions. And by the way there are laws on the books concerning pedophiles going overseas to have sex with children. Can just as easily have laws concerning having abortions overseas. It's time for people to stop being irresponsible, or face the consequences of their actions.
In my county CYS is busting the county's budget primarily do to having to go into dangerous households under emergency orders and police protection grabbing kids getting and them into someplace safe and under the protection of the court . The result was a huge increase in county property taxes and county service fees.
No you can preach personal responsibility all you want but the reality is the complete opposite and banning abortion and support for family planning will do little.
For a guy who took off and ran leaving his wife behind you're in a poor position to preach your version of morality .


Well-Known Member
In my county CYS is busting the county's budget primarily do to having to go into dangerous households under emergency orders and police protection grabbing kids getting and them into someplace safe and under the protection of the court . The result was a huge increase in county property taxes and county service fees.
No you can preach personal responsibility all you want but the reality is the complete opposite and banning abortion and support for family planning will do little.
For a guy who took off and ran leaving his wife behind you're in a poor position to preach your version of morality .
My wife ran up an $8500 bill that I'm paying for. I had to "run off" to demonstrate that there are consequences for doing so. I'm coming back in May, but with the clear understanding that if we don't get the bills paid, and I can't stick to my health regimen for my diabetes, then I will have no choice but to leave again. She knows I mean it. You on the other hand are talking nonsense about how all these "unwanted" kids are just turned over to the state. Huge difference between that and kids going into foster care because of their parents behaving badly. My brother worked for years as a social worker who dealt with these very situations. He was there to supervise time spent with parents who very badly wanted to be with their children. The idea that most of these people just cast off their responsibility onto the local government is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
They love to eat meat, love guns, love starting wars, love bombing anyone, love kidnapping children, love burning coal and oil to the detriment of all life on Earth, love the death penalty, love imprisoning people for minor non-violent offenses. That’s just off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more.
And now people are finding out that many consumed plants aren't actually good for you, but cause allergies, inflammation, disease. People are as really themselves by eating the carnivore diet, as well as Keto. Meat, it's what's for dinner.


Engorged Member
Have you seen what babies look like at 12 weeks? Who's sticking up for their rights? Sure as hell isn't Democrats.

Donald Trump has never had an affair, paid for an abortion, or had pre-marital sex, and he is your great defender. Oh, and he used to be Pro-Choice before he realized he could exploit a certain demographic and suddenly became......drumroll please...a CHRISTIAN!

I'm repeating myself. Show personal responsibility and use good birth control, and if you don't want an abortion because of your beliefs, don't have one.

Please show us a picture of a 12-week baby,which has probably been doctored to show the embryo sucking it's thumb.

I'll support the end of abortion when Republicans are willing to provide social services, health care, and equal education to what would have been unwanted children. Hypocrites of the highest order. Once the baby is born, it might as well be on it's own with you people (intentional) in charge.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And now people are finding out that many consumed plants aren't actually good for you, but cause allergies, inflammation, disease. People are as really themselves by eating the carnivore diet, as well as Keto. Meat, it's what's for dinner.
Your toes are falling off from diabetes, I don’t think I trust your take on nutrition. Enjoy your inevitable colon and or prostate cancer.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Donald Trump has never had an affair, paid for an abortion, or had pre-marital sex, and he is your great defender. Oh, and he used to be Pro-Choice before he realized he could exploit a certain demographic and suddenly became......drumroll please...a CHRISTIAN!

I'm repeating myself. Show personal responsibility and use good birth control, and if you don't want an abortion because of your beliefs, don't have one.

Please show us a picture of a 12-week baby,which has probably been doctored to show the embryo sucking it's thumb.

I'll support the end of abortion when Republicans are willing to provide social services, health care, and equal education to what would have been unwanted children. Hypocrites of the highest order. Once the baby is born, it might as well be on it's own with you people (intentional) in charge.
You avoided answering my challenge as to when that mass of cells becomes a human child. Evading the reality isn’t ignorance, it’s stupidity, and you’re not stupid.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Your toes are falling off from diabetes, I don’t think I trust your take on nutrition. Enjoy your inevitable colon and or prostate cancer.
You couldn’t tell the truth if your life depended on it.
Simply a compulsive liar ... like we didn’t know that already.
Van’s toenails are coming out due to fungus under the toenails ... a fairly common side effect of diabetes.


Well-Known Member
My wife ran up an $8500 bill that I'm paying for. I had to "run off" to demonstrate that there are consequences for doing so. I'm coming back in May, but with the clear understanding that if we don't get the bills paid, and I can't stick to my health regimen for my diabetes, then I will have no choice but to leave again. She knows I mean it. You on the other hand are talking nonsense about how all these "unwanted" kids are just turned over to the state. Huge difference between that and kids going into foster care because of their parents behaving badly. My brother worked for years as a social worker who dealt with these very situations. He was there to supervise time spent with parents who very badly wanted to be with their children. The idea that most of these people just cast off their responsibility onto the local government is ludicrous.
The budget crisis my county is facing says otherwise. Again you just assuming that foster parents will always be there to take those kids and those do are often the grandparents who have to ask charities for help but that grandparent is not always available. In fact I've been approached about taking in a kid or two and was pointed out to me that since I am single childless and have a big house I should help clean up the mess. Budget constraints in my county as is the case in many others limits the number of case workers it can employ and their case loads are overwhelming and simply complying with your version of morality and banning abortion will make the problem many many times worse and the result of you hiding out in Colombia as you currently are nobody cares what you think.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The budget crisis my county is facing says otherwise. Again you just assuming that foster parents will always be there to take those kids and those do are often the grandparents who have to ask charities for help but that grandparent is not always available. In fact I've been approached about taking in a kid or two and was pointed out to me that since I am single childless and have a big house I should help clean up the mess. Budget constraints in my county as is the case in many others limits the number of case workers it can employ and their case loads are overwhelming and simply complying with your version of morality and banning abortion will make the problem many many times worse and the result of you hiding out in Colombia as you currently are nobody cares what you think.
Let’s use the same solution to resolve the drug problem. Just abort all the addicts!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The budget crisis my county is facing says otherwise. Again you just assuming that foster parents will always be there to take those kids and those do are often the grandparents who have to ask charities for help but that grandparent is not always available. In fact I've been approached about taking in a kid or two and was pointed out to me that since I am single childless and have a big house I should help clean up the mess. Budget constraints in my county as is the case in many others limits the number of case workers it can employ and their case loads are overwhelming and simply complying with your version of morality and banning abortion will make the problem many many times worse and the result of you hiding out in Colombia as you currently are nobody cares what you think.
Nobody cares what you think!
Why do you even come here?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
In fact I've been approached about taking in a kid or two and was pointed out to me that since I am single childless and have a big house I should help clean up the mess. Budget constraints in my county as is the case in many others limits the number of case workers it can employ and their case loads are overwhelming and simply complying with your version of morality and banning abortion will make the problem many many times worse and the result of you hiding out in Colombia as you currently are nobody cares what you think.
Yeah ... like they are going to approach a child molester about taking kids!
SMH. Ain’t nobody buying that.