

Strength through joy
Harvard University is the latest encampment .
They have set up in Harvard Yard, which is an area that has large metal gates surrounding it.
The University officials asked them to move to another quad as to not disrupt the students living in the area buildings, the answer was no.
Let's see how this plays out, after all the People's Republic of Cambridge is the most liberal city within all of Massachusetts. Harvard Square has always be a mecca for the wanderers and is the most popular shopping area. And the beautiful people have the nicest lawns around with plenty of extra space for any additional encampments , I'm so sure that they would openly admit the unwashed into their multi-million dollar homes and into their social events.:wink2:


golden ticket member
NOT FOUL PLAY..........

The Occupier Body Count Continues To Rise: Protester At Occupy Salt Lake Found Dead In His Tent…

SALT LAKE CITY — Authorities say a man has been found dead inside his tent at a Salt Lake City park where protesters have been camping.
The Occupy Salt Lake group has been in Pioneer Park for weeks, protesting what they say is corporate greed in solidarity with the larger Occupy Wall Street protests in New York.
Salt Lake City police say the body of a man in his 40s was found in the tent Friday morning. They say he has been identified as a member of the Occupy group, but his name has not been released.
A medical examiner was on the way to the scene. A cause of death was not immediately available, but police say it does not appear to be foul play.


golden ticket member
Michael Moore’s Massive Michigan Vacation Mansion Beyond 99 Percent’s Wildest Dreams…

Then again, his fat ass wouldn’t fit into a 99-percenter home.
(Big Government) — Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has been touring Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the country — including some of the most violent, such as Occupy Oakland — urging activists to continue their fight against the wealthy “one percent” of Americans.

Initially, Moore tried to deny that his massive wealth made him a member of that one percent. Even when forced to admit the obvious, Moore suggested that he was not always among the one percent, based on his income: “Other years, like last year, I don’t have a job (no movie, no book) and so I make a lot less.”

The fact is that Moore is so wealthy that he does not need to worry about his income. According to public tax records, Moore owns a massive vacation home on Torch Lake, Michigan — one of the most elite communities in the United States — in addition to his posh Manhattan residence.

Through an independent source, Big Hollywood has obtained exclusive photographs of the house matching the address of Moore’s waterfront mansion. It is the kind of luxurious summer home that 99 percent of Americans can only dream of owning.


Strength through joy
More from Harvard Yard ; only persons with H.U. ids are allowed into Harvard Yard .
There are HU police at every gate to check ids.


You all talk a lot about having a class of people who are dependent on the government, yet you are so willing to make the entire country dependent on the whims of a few business tycoons. How's that for a policy catching up to us? ;)


Strength through joy
So let me get this straight: Harvard students are “occupying” the Yard to protest how the 1 percent keep the 99 percent in economic servitude. But the Crimson protest against capitalist oppression is by invitation only, and all the gates on campus have been locked, chained and padlocked to keep out the real 99 percent?
Occupy Harvard? It’s more like Occupy Gated Community.
The pampered pukes are saying their faux encampment of Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean tents is “symbolic.” It sure is — symbolic of the breathtaking hypocrisy of these limousine liberals.

They’re in solidarity with the rabble ... as long as the riff-raff stay on their side of the wall.
Now nobody can walk across the Yard unless he has a Harvard ID. They tried something like this in Arizona, and as I recall everyone at Harvard denounced SB 1070 as racism, as in, “They’re checking papers in Arizona!”
Now the moonbats are checking papers in Harvard Square. Let us all chant together.
“Hey hey ho ho! Elitism at Harvard’s got to go!”
“Hey hey ho ho! Let the bums in, they want your dough!”
The la-de-da administrators at Veritas U issued a statement explaining why they set up Checkpoint Charlies up and down Mass Ave:
“Many of the demonstrators were not from Harvard.”
Oh, the horror.
But what if an illegal alien wants to cross the Yard? Remember, when an illegal falsified his application to get into Harvard, they gave him a scholarship. When an American kid from Delaware tried to pull the same stunt, they gave him six months at Billerica House of Correction.
And what if Skippy Gates tries to take a shortcut across campus and he doesn’t have his ID with him? Will Barack say the campus cops “acted stupidly?” Will there be a sushi summit at the White House?
Occupy Harvard Yard is like when you were 6 years old, and you went camping ... in your backyard, with your father. If you got scared, you could just run back in the house to get a hug from Mommy.
I have one suggestion for the Little Lord Fauntleroys at Occupy Gated Community. If you really want to commit a revolutionary act this weekend, get to the hardware store in the Square (if it hasn’t been shut down to make room for yet another Starbucks). Buy some bolt cutters. And late tonight, sneak up to the gates, cut the chains and throw open the gates of Harvard to the downtrodden 99 percent you claim as your comrades.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Ms. Faust, tear down this wall.


golden ticket member
It's not a public debate and a dialogue......It's a 'shout down'. It's full of people who are pissed that they missed out on Woodstock. They need to find a big field or farm and get out of the cities!!


Well-Known Member
It's not a public debate and a dialogue......It's a 'shout down'. It's full of people who are pissed that they missed out on Woodstock. They need to find a big field or farm and get out of the cities!!

Obviously you never visited an occupation. Typical. Actually it is quite democratic. Anyone who wants to have a say, can have a say. Woodstock??


golden ticket member
Obviously you never visited an occupation. Typical. Actually it is quite democratic. Anyone who wants to have a say, can have a say. Woodstock??
Democratic is sexual assault, violence, drug sales, pooping on the flag, sex in the open ???? You can't spin this stuff in any way to make it palatable to a normal person.


Well-Known Member
Democratic is sexual assault, violence, drug sales, pooping on the flag, sex in the open ???? You can't spin this stuff in any way to make it palatable to a normal person.

You choose to focus on what a few individuals might have done or you read they might have done. There have been certain individuals not of the OWS that have collected there and been disruptive,etc. But do NOT paint this movement with your nasty, cynical brush. Like I said, you can say what you want when you actually visit an occupation. Until then you have no clue!!


golden ticket member
You choose to focus on what a few individuals might have done or you read they might have done. There have been certain individuals not of the OWS that have collected there and been disruptive,etc. But do NOT paint this movement with your nasty, cynical brush. Like I said, you can say what you want when you actually visit an occupation. Until then you have no clue!!

We knew better than to cause trouble.........the hippies in the 60's (my time) did plenty of sit ins. They wasted their time too. They demonstrated against the war......we still lost many friends in the war. Most of the troublemakers were the druggies. Shortly after my high school time came Charlie Manson.....who harbored the runaway and throwaway kids and drugged them and raped them and had them do his bidding. I was busy at a job and I had babies at that time. There was no time to occupy anything but my apartment and take care of my young family. Some people have responsibility and some don't.


golden ticket member
You choose to focus on what a few individuals might have done or you read they might have done. There have been certain individuals not of the OWS that have collected there and been disruptive,etc. But do NOT paint this movement with your nasty, cynical brush. Like I said, you can say what you want when you actually visit an occupation. Until then you have no clue!!
It's what the main stream media know, the same media who ignores Obama's big slip ups!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obviously you never visited an occupation. Typical. Actually it is quite democratic. Anyone who wants to have a say, can have a say. Woodstock??

Obviously you think its OK to break the law, damage properity, and shut down businesses as long as it conforms to your Liberal Democrat ideals? Typical.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You choose to focus on what a few individuals might have done or you read they might have done. There have been certain individuals not of the OWS that have collected there and been disruptive,etc. But do NOT paint this movement with your nasty, cynical brush. Like I said, you can say what you want when you actually visit an occupation. Until then you have no clue!!

Wow!!!! I guess all the arrests and damage to public and private properity Might have happened. Get real!!! And paint the OWS movement with a cynical brush...really? The Dems and the liberal media have and continue to paint the tea party as racists and terrorists but embrace OWS. How many arrests and laws were broken by the tea party movement? I really hope your Messiah's and Dems support for OWS continues....


golden ticket member
November 12, 2011
Frank Miller: Occupy Is A Pack Of Thieves, Louts, and Rapists
Frank Miller doesn't like barbarians threatening civilization much.
Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense: The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America. “Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves. This is no popular uprising. This is garbage.​
By the way, Occupy Portland is getting ready to riot. A protester tipped off police that other protesters were stockpiling stones, gathering boards with nails in them, and even digging a trench-line for a pitched fight.
Portland will be evicting them tonight, supposedly.