

Strength through joy
anyone hear this one yet;
proptester calls home to inform Ma that his tent has been thrown into the trash and that he will be returning to Ma's basement, only to be tolded by Ma the basement has been rented out.


golden ticket member
(LA Times) — Five people at the Occupy L.A. encampment have been charged with separate crimes, including a man who allegedly exposed himself and commited a sex act in front of a child, officials said Tuesday.

Angele Chaidez, 21, faces one count of lewd conduct and one count of indecent exposure for allegedly exposing himself and masturbating in front of several people, including children, Friday on the south steps of City Hall, said prosecutors with the L.A. city attorney’s office.

That same day, Zachary Isaac, 21, allegedly entered a woman’s tent and called her “Satan.” After the woman asked Isaac to leave, he allegedly punched her in the face with a closed fist. Prosecutors charged him with one count of battery resulting in injury.

Robert Holland Jr., 31, allegedly waved a knife at another person on Halloween, then resisted arrest, prosecutors said. He was charged with one count of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of brandishing a deadly weapon, one count of disturbing the peace and one count of resisting arrest.

Michael Howard Thomson, 51, was charged with two counts of battery and one count of resisting arrest after getting into a physical altercation with a parent over a child, prosecutors said. Thompson is accused of approaching a man in a tent Oct. 11 and pushing him while attempting to grab a 2-year old child, prosecutors said. Another person tried to intervene and Thompson punched him in the face, prosecutors said. When police arrived, Thompson allegedly refused to cooperate and violently resisted officers’ efforts to detain him.Farid Ahntab, 24, faces one count each of possession of a deadly weapon, brandishing a deadly weapon, assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest following three separate incidents at the camp. He allegedly brandished a knife at officers Oct. 29, tried to light a food vendor on fire with a lighter Nov. 4 and resisted arrest Nov. 11.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that I heard Bloomberg repeatedly say that some of the reasons for the eviction is that laws were being broken. If that is the criterion for the eviction, then they should send the cops to Wall Street and evict half the firms there and then the police should send a car across the river to Hoboken and pull Mr. Jon Corzine in for questioning for his role in the MF Global debacle in which money from customer accounts were not segregated from the rest of the company funds.

The MF Global thing could end up with a very interesting twist.


golden ticket member
Anyone recall seeing drunk 11-year-old kid’s wandering around a tea party?

(KCCI) — A 27-year-old man has been charged after Montana police found an 11-year-old boy drunk at an Occupy Missoula protest.

John Skinner encountered the boy and a friend outside a Missoula bar last week. The friend asked Skinner to buy them alcohol, and he told police he brought the boys to his tent on the protest grounds so he could keep an eye on them, police told Missoula TV station KECI.
But police said Skinner was nowhere to be found when they discovered the 11-year-old unconscious and vomiting on the lawn of the county courthouse.

Skinner was arrested and pleaded not guilty Thursday to endangering the welfare of a child. He remained in custody on $2,000 bail.
The 11-year-old boy appeared in court with his mother and pleaded guilty to underage drinking.


golden ticket member
Number of school kids stalked and terrorized by Tea Partiers: Zero.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — They were caught in the middle of madness.
Some grade school students were forced to walk a gauntlet of screaming “Occupy Wall Street” protesters just to get to school on Thursday.
In the middle of thousands of protestors yelling and chanting — some kicking and screaming — CBS 2’s Emily Smith found little school kids trying to get to class. Nervous parents led them through the barriers on Wall Street. The NYPD helped funnel the children, anything to ease their fears while some protestors chanted “follow those kids!”

“These guys are terrorists, yelling at little kids,” one father said.

“For them it’s horrible. They’re afraid of all the crowds. We’re not even able to get through. They’re just, he’s . . . very afraid now,” a mother added.

One protester followed a father and his little daughter all the way down the block. As the school day ended just after 3 p.m. children trickled out of Leman Manhattan Prep on Broad Street. Smith heard a 4-year-old boy telling his mom he was scared. He told Smith it looked like a parade.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine by the name of Brad Spangler has been sharing a tent for some time with a young man at Occupy Kansas City who today must leave. He has to leave because his orders are for him to re-deploy back to Afghanistan.


golden ticket member
Gee, when you got them all on the ground, maybe we should check their immigration status....just sayin.

NYC: Hundreds of Muslims Along With Occupy Wall Street Turn Lower Manhattan Into a Giant Mosque To Protest NYPD, CIA Counter-Terror Surveillance…
And Muslims wonder why they are viewed with skepticism by the majority of Americans.
NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds of Muslims prayed in lower Manhattan and planned a march on New York Police headquarters Friday to protest a decade of NYPD spying inside Muslim neighborhoods.

“Had this been happening to any other religious group, all of America would be outraged,” said Daoud Ibraheem, 73, a retired graphic artist from Brooklyn.

Many of these programs were built with the help of the CIA as part of an unusually close collaboration that is now the subject of an internal CIA investigation.

“There’s a wrong that we have all been made aware of,” said Abdur-Rashid, of the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood.
He said it was no secret that police have been watching mosques. But the news that the NYPD was monitoring everything from Islamic schools to restaurants was unacceptable.

The protest was joined by about 50 members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, who marched to Foley Square chanting “Surveillance is violence, we won’t remain


Well-Known Member

It is quite interesting that article and its title : how middle class white people see law enforcement in a different light. I was there on thursday, at zuccotti park when that kid was beat up by the riot cops. I saw what happened to that kid and they are mostly kids. I was standing with a physics teacher, a pipefitter and an construction guy. I saw the cops charge in after this kid . They grabbed him and threw him. This park is not a real park with grass and trees. It is make of granite with some little trees here and there. I wish I had a video camera. I have heard about police brutality and read about it. On nov 17 I actually saw it happen. As I am watching the cops grab this kid, several cops are just waving their nightsticks indiscrimenantly in the air. They were like wild beasts. As im standing their observing another 50 or so more cops come from behind me and others watching and start pushing and throwing people: "Out of the way....move!" etc We all got thrown around. I yelled back a few words i cant repeat here. Then as they begin to retreat to the barricades I went up to every RIOT cop and pointed my finger at them and shouted SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

I was taken back by this. I come from a cop family. My dad was a cop, etc. When i have been down there i often try to speak to the cops along the march etc and get their take. I let them know that they too are part of the 99% and we are fighting to make their lives better too,etc. A few acknowledged me and agree with the sentiments of the movement. But most do not respond. They just stay silent. Like i said this shocked me.i heard about police abuse and brutality but this was happening right before my eyes. This was no movie or tv show. It was true REALITY tv!!

This occured at about 130-2:00 in the afternoon. I bothered me all day. I couldnt get it out of my head. These THUGS pushing through the crowd, throwing bodies, using nightsticks. What a disgrace. This is a nonviolent movement. But I guess the cops didnt get the memo!! I was watching them from the barricades. Some were not just standing there . Some were pointing fingers and having words with a few protestors. They were heated up and furious. They couldnt wait for something to give them a reason to come into the park and crack heads!! THUGS!! Not all of them. But the ones that did come in certainly were.

Regardless, we left the park and started marching up town to Union Sq park where we met up with a huge contingent of NYU students. The cops lined the streets and we marched on the sidewalks. All was fine until about 5pm when we were moving down broadway to Foly park where the huge union rally was. It was at that point as we were heading down Broadway on the sidewalk that I saw a young girl straddling the curb . She was actually in the ...GULP... street. Oh no not that. Well, a white shirted cop with a gold cluster on his shirt told the girl to "GET ON THE SIDEWALK" SHe kept walking next to the street. He said it again:"GET ON THE SIDEWALK!!"" SHe kept wallking. This friend@#$ing THUG pushes this little 22 yr old girl with all his might and she goes FLYING THROUGH THE AIR ONTO THE SIDEWALK!! I ran up to help the girl and the THUG'S BUDDIES came running over to take her away. I swear I came this close to clocking that friend#@%ing cop myself. I wish i at least had a video camera with me. Like I said my dad was a cop and I always had respect for what they do, etc. THAT ALL ENDED THAT DAY!!


Well-Known Member

There already is an OWS in DC. But there are plans for a real large occupation of Washington. Dont rush it!! But like i said before, the pols are only doing what their masters on Wall st and corporate america tell them to do!! But you are right because govt actively facilitates the great concentration of wealth through tax breaks for corps and the welathy and bailouts for giant banks and corps as well as global trade deals that encourage off shoring good jobs,etc. These corps shift the cost of all the environmental damage to us the taxpayers and then they pocket the profits!! Us taxpayers bear the risk of global financial speculation while the payoffs go to those most effective at gaming the system. And instead of investing those profits to create jobs , these bastards put their wealth into mergers and acquisitions and more speculation!!
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golden ticket member
Just a bunch of thugs...........

Occupy DC Claims Abandoned School Vowing Not To Leave Until Building Converted For Community Use, Police Promptly Storm Through Back Door And Haul Them Off…

(WaPo) — Authorities removed protesters Saturday evening from an abandoned school in downtown Washington that had been entered by members or sympathizers of the Occupy D.C. movement.
By 7:15 p.m. 11 people had been brought out of the city-owned Franklin School and placed in a police van as protesters pounded on the vehicle from both inside and outside.

It was not clear if anyone remained inside. Earlier, it appeared that about a dozen people went into the three-story building, unfurling a large black banner from the roof of the three-story building, and vowing to stay inside the school until it is converted for community use.

The protesters said they had enough food and other provisions to stay “indefinitely” but police and firefighters broke into a back door about 5:30 p.m. Protesters formed a human chain in an adjacent alley in hopes of preventing other rescue workers from entering the historic structure.

The school at 13th and K streets NW was most recently a homeless shelter, but was shuttered in 2008. Police closed streets in the vicinity.

Protestors wore bandanas over their faces as they dropped the banner from the top of the school about 3 p.m. It read “Public Property Under Community Control.” They waved to about 200 people in a park below who cheered them


golden ticket member
(NYP) — Hell no, we won’t go — unless we get goose down pillows.
A key Occupy Wall Street leader and another protester who leads a double life as a businessman ditched fetid tents and church basements for rooms at a luxurious hotel that promises guests can “unleash [their] inner Gordon Gekko,” The Post has learned.

The $700-per-night W Hotel Downtown last week hosted both Peter Dutro, one of a select few OWS members on the powerful finance committee, and Brad Spitzer, a California-based analyst who not only secretly took part in protests during a week-long business trip but offered shelter to protesters in his swanky platinum-card room.

“Tents are not for me,” he confessed, when confronted in the sleek black lobby of the Washington Street hotel where sources described him as a “repeat” guest.

Spitzer, 24, an associate at financial-services giant Deloitte, which netted $29 billion in revenue last year, admitted he joined the protest at Zuccotti Park several times.

“I’m staying here for work,” said Spitzer, dressed down in a company T-shirt and holding a backpack and his suitcase. “I do finance, but I support it still