
Lue C Fur

Evil member
This guy sums up OWS really well:
The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

Frank Miller Doesn't Think Much of Occupy Wall Street - Yahoo! News



Well-Known Member
Wow!!!! I guess all the arrests and damage to public and private properity Might have happened. Get real!!! And paint the OWS movement with a cynical brush...really? The Dems and the liberal media have and continue to paint the tea party as racists and terrorists but embrace OWS. How many arrests and laws were broken by the tea party movement? I really hope your Messiah's and Dems support for OWS continues....

My point again is you are painting the entire movement by the actions of a few individuals. it seems some bad individuals have come to exploit the people camped out there. No one is condoning any rapes. Again, they have nothing to do with OWS.

Anyone can "embrace" OWS. But OWS does not embrace any of the status quo pols or the corporate media!!

There were no arrests of tea baggers because they were supported by the 1%. More importanly they were FUNDED by the 1% . You know slimy fat cats like Dick Armey and the Koch Brothers. Maybe the tea baggers didnt break any laws but they are out there defending the status quo and the crimes being committed by our oligarchy.

Fact is the tea baggers are jealous that their 15 minutes is up. They see a new populist movement growing who are willing to take on the powerful in this country. A movement that doesnt run back to their gated communities and blog all day on internet forums. This movement is just beginning. Please keep defending the status quo!!


Well-Known Member
This guy sums up OWS really well:
The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

Frank Miller Doesn't Think Much of Occupy Wall Street - Yahoo! News

The New Progressive Movement


Strength through joy
Up to your last post, I was willing to have some faith in what you have written.
But to use a homosexual slang three times removed all doubt .
You are just another victim of the senseless wandering masses that wishes that they had a clue on how to behave properly.
Staging massive , unlawful demostrations where the rules of law of a civilzed society are outlawed and deflecting blame onto others for any crimes committed within these uncivilzed conclaves, only stregthens my belief that you have no real voice.


Well-Known Member
Up to your last post, I was willing to have some faith in what you have written.
But to use a homosexual slang three times removed all doubt .
You are just another victim of the senseless wandering masses that wishes that they had a clue on how to behave properly.
Staging massive , unlawful demostrations where the rules of law of a civilzed society are outlawed and deflecting blame onto others for any crimes committed within these uncivilzed conclaves, only stregthens my belief that you have no real voice.

LOL, I am a "victim"?? LOL, ok.

Oh so it bothers you that people are out in the streets demonstrating and protesting against injustices?? They are not behaving "properly"?? Why because they have the balls to stay out there and take on the powerful that you continue to defend?? Why because they are out there exposing how rigged the system is?? Tough. I believe the real Tea Party people pissed off the brits too ; dont think they behaved "properly" either!!


Yes you are a victim.
Of your own stupidity.
This whole "movement" is a farce.
The business of Wall Street has not been shutdown, unlike all the small businesses that rely upon Wall Street employees to purchase their wares.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has cost surrounding businesses $479,400 so far, store owners said.
Don't judge a book by it's cover. This is a movement not a point in time.


golden ticket member
I hope the police are fully armed!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011 @ 5:58 pm | | 4 Comments »

NYC Occupy Protesters Plan To Shut Down Wall Street On Thursday…

And they will have the AFL-CIO and the SEIU to back them up.

(Reuters) — Protesters hope to shut down Wall Street on Thursday by holding a street carnival to mark the two-month anniversary of their campaign against economic inequality.

Protest organizers acknowledged that the “day of action” they have planned could be the group’s most provocative most yet, and could lead to mass arrests and further strain relations with city authorities.

“I think we’re certainly going into this with our eyes wide open, but (the march is) to provoke ideas and discussion, not to provoke any violent reactions,” said Occupy Wall Street spokesman Ed Needham.

“I think it is very difficult to do a day of action and not expect some sort of reaction from the (authorities),” he said.

The protesters plan to march to Wall Street from their camp headquarters in a park two blocks away and then spread out across the city’s subway system to tell the stories of disenfranchised Americans. They will reconvene later on Thursday for a march across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Last month, more than 700 people were arrested during a similar march across the bridge, after some protesters sat on the pedestrian walkway and refused to move, while


golden ticket member
Occupy Portland Leaves Behind 70 Dump Trucks Worth of Trash…
(Oregon Live) — A dozen city employees today plan to finish clearing Chapman and Lownsdale squares of debris and trash so engineers and horticulture experts can survey damage to the parks’ structures and trees.

City officials expect the parks to be closed for at least one week. Weeks of camping by Occupy Portland at the two downtown parks have torn up grass and damaged plant beds.

Bob Downing, central services manager for the parks bureau, said he’s walked through the two parks periodically since the occupation began.

“I’m not really surprised,” Downing said. “It was what we expected it to be.”

Downing said about 70 dump truck loads of trash and debris were hauled from the camps over the weekend. He said about 30 city employees worked Sunday to clear the parks.

Once the trash is gone, the city will bring in a team comprised of specialists to look at the health and condition of the trees, plants, the restrooms and the art in the parks. The turf will need to be reseeded, he said. He expects the once grassy


golden ticket member
Ex-Marine Owns Hippy Occupier Trying To Disrupt Swearing-In Ceremony For NY GOP Rep. Bob Turner…
Feel good story of the day.
(NY Post) — Meet New York’s newest hero.

Kevin Hiltunen, a former NYPD officer, yesterday grabbed an Occupy Wall Street demonstrator by the collar and dragged him out of a Queens school where he’d been heckling US Rep. Bob Turner at the congressman’s swearing-in ceremony.

“I guess you could say I sorted him out,” said Hiltunen, 48, his jacket and tie barely mussed after dragging the scruffy protester out on his rear end.
“All I was doing was trying to stop this historic occasion from being disrupted. There is a time and place to exercise your First Amendment rights,’’ said Hiltunen, of Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, who was identified by people at the ceremony as an ex-Marine.
“This was not the time or the venue,” Hiltunen added.

Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan HS in Forest Hills.

Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.

“Bob Turner has only been in office for two months and . . .” was all that the bearded heckler could blurt out before he was taken down by Hiltunen.

Holding a sign that read, “Rep. Turner [heart] the 1%,” Weissman remained seated and quiet until Turner, who was there with his wife, Peggy, took the stage about 1:30 p.m. and began to speak.

“He was close by to where I was standing, and he started yelling something about Bob Turner,” said Hiltunen, who described himself as a Turner supporter and a volunteer for his congressional campaign.

“So I grabbed him by his sweat shirt and escorted him out. I just had to do what was right. I was just here to witness this historic occasion


golden ticket member
AFL-CIO Chief Richard Trumka Outraged Cities Shutting Down Crime-Ridden Disease Infested Occupier Camps…

(Politico) — AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka emails supporters:
They can take away the tarps and the tents. But they can’t slow down the Occupy Wall Street movement.
There have been police raids on Occupy Wall Street in Oakland, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Denver; Albany, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt.; and Chapel Hill, N.C.—and now, last night in New York’s Zuccotti Park—orchestrated by politicians acting on behalf of the 1%.

ut the 99% is undaunted. Occupy Wall Street’s message already has created a new day. This movement has created a seismic shift in our national debate—from austerity and cuts to jobs, inequality and our broken economic system.

Show your solidarity by attending a Nov. 17 bridge action

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Time to End the Occupation

Small business owners and residents in New York City's Lower Manhattan are understandably relieved by the interruption of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Zuccotti Park. The initial demonstration, described by early supporters in the most romantic terms, is now newsworthy for the wrong reasons.The unsanitary conditions, interminable noise, vagrancy and increasing hostility have robbed neighbors of their park, now a squatters’ camp, and degraded the area in which people live and work. Even worse, it has robbed some people of their jobs directly, which is the very thing for which the protestors are blaming the “one percent.”

Two weeks ago the owners of the Milk Street Cafe announced that the protest had so disrupted their business that they had to lay off nearly two dozen employees. Other small businesses in the area have made similar complaints and their workers are most likely in similar jeopardy. It is a bitter irony, of course, that a public protest over high unemployment is driving the unemployment rate higher.
We applaud Mayor Bloomberg, therefore, for shutting down the Occupy Wall Street protest today and restoring the community to its people. Naturally, the demonstrators sought a court injunction that would allow them to reoccupy the park all over again, but we would urge Mayor Bloomberg to fight any such attempt in court. For the alternative is to watch even more jobs disappear from this section of the city.
Consider that many of the small businesses there are retail establishments. Many of them hope to generate more than half their annual revenue from the upcoming Christmas shopping season, only a few days away now. What would be the consequence if the Occupiers are permitted to retake the park?
The longer it persists, the fewer visitors will come. More businesses there will suffer, and some may not survive. Gone will be the jobs they provide and the revenue they produce for city. The neighborhood’s reputation as a place to buy a home or start a business will be badly damaged.
Enough is enough. Everyone agrees, including the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), that the demonstrators have a perfect right to protest. But that right is not so elastic that permits them to destroy a community in which thousands of people are financially and emotionally invested. As the mayor has said, they can return to the park every day if they wish to air their political grievances. But they must not be allowed to live there, in a neighborhood park, where they have already worn out their welcome.

Read more: Time To End The Occupation | Fox News


All I know is that I heard Bloomberg repeatedly say that some of the reasons for the eviction is that laws were being broken. If that is the criterion for the eviction, then they should send the cops to Wall Street and evict half the firms there and then the police should send a car across the river to Hoboken and pull Mr. Jon Corzine in for questioning for his role in the MF Global debacle in which money from customer accounts were not segregated from the rest of the company funds.