
Lue C Fur

Evil member
So the note reads:

Mr. President: Over 4000 peaceful protesters have been arrested. While bankers continue to destroy the American economy. You must stop the assault on our 1st amendment rights. Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable. Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.

Funny how the guy complains about the arrests and the 1st amendment. I did not know the the 1st amendment gave you the right to break the law. He says "Peaceful protestors"...WHAT? He says "police brutality"...are you kidding? This guys is a total idiot like the rest of the protestors. And "we go sold out". Thats funny...i guess he thought he was going to get some payback for supporting the Messiah. BHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!


golden ticket member
Occupy Seattle protestor Jennifer Fox has publicly levied a serious claim against the Seattle Police Department; that two officers are responsible for the death of her unborn child. But now, as her claim is called into question and new information about the 19-year-old surfaces, she may come out of the ordeal being perceived as much more than a troubled teen desperate for attention.

97.3 KIRO FM has learned that Fox was once suspected of trying to lure two young children away from their mother. In a police report dated August 3, 2011, a mother stated a young woman had approached her daughters at Seattle’s Pritchard Beach Park during a swimming lesson. Police sources confirm that woman was Fox.

“(The mother) stated she observed (Fox) approach her children as they made their way from the lake to her car,” read the report. “(The mother) stated she could tell that (Fox) was asking the children questions by the way they were acting.” [...]

As 97.3 KIRO FM first reported Tuesday, Fox had told police she was three months pregnant in September when facing arrest, which would make it impossible for her to have been three months pregnant last week, as she claimed.


Well-Known Member
So the note reads:

Mr. President: Over 4000 peaceful protesters have been arrested. While bankers continue to destroy the American economy. You must stop the assault on our 1st amendment rights. Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable. Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.

Funny how the guy complains about the arrests and the 1st amendment. I did not know the the 1st amendment gave you the right to break the law. He says "Peaceful protestors"...WHAT? He says "police brutality"...are you kidding? This guys is a total idiot like the rest of the protestors. And "we go sold out". Thats funny...i guess he thought he was going to get some payback for supporting the Messiah. BHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

People like you are still playing the same political games: "Obama sucks; Replace Obama and all will be good again!" LOL You just dont get it. Obama is part of the corrupt establishment just as much as any repub is. Your precious tea "party" came and went. Instead of trying to create real change they opted for power in a corrupt political system. They backed challengers to repubs in primaries and hooked up with experienced political operatives and hacks. They won the midterm elections!! Yippie!! But they changed nothing. A matter of fact with all the problems this country has the first thing they went after was on the abortion issue!! Now that is out of touch right from the get go!! Their ultimate goal seems to just be getting rid of Obama.

Memo to tea partiers: Change only occurs when there are people in the streets!!


Strength through joy
Memo to tea partiers: Change only occurs when there are people setting up tents and taking bowel movements in the streets!! fixed it for ya.


golden ticket member
Shockingly, he’s also a member of CAIR.
(WND) — The recent executive director of the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations’ South Florida chapter is a founder and spokesman of Occupy Miami, WND has learned.

Mohammad Malik currently is as an activist with several other Islamic groups.
He has led hate-filled anti-Israel protests in which participants were filmed wearing Hamas paraphernalia while chanting “Nuke Israel” and “Go back to the oven” – a reference to Jews being killed in the Holocaust.

Malik has been widely quoted in the Florida news media in recent weeks speaking for Occupy Miami.
The Miami Herald identified Malik as one of the organizers of Occupy’s Miami’s downtown campsite headquarters.


golden ticket member
| Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 10:35 am | 21 Comments » NYC Occupiers Hold “Emotional” Press Conference To Demand City Reimburse Them For “People’s Library” Destroyed During Zuccotti Park Clearing…

What’s the estimated cost of 1,000 signed copies of “Dreams From My Father” and “Audacity of Hope?”
(Guardian) — When police seized an estimated 5,000 books from Occupy Wall Street’s “People’s Library” during the eviction of the camp at Zuccotti Park on 15 November, it drew condemnation from a host of writers and organisations, including the American Library Association and authorSalman Rushdie. [...]

But when the librarians arrived to survey what remained of the books, some signed copies given by authors, including one donated the previous day by Philip Levine, the US poet laureate, they found “it was clear the books had been treated as trash”, they said.

At an emotional press conference on Wednesday, the librarians laid the torn and damaged books they were able to recover from the garage on a table taking up much of a cramped room in an office block in Madison Avenue.

It was a sorry sight. Only 1,273 books – a third of the stock – were returned to them, they said, and around a third of those were damaged beyond repair. Only about 800 are still usable. About 2,900 books are still unaccounted for.


golden ticket member
In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) founder and Service Employees International Union organizer Wade Rathke acknowledged that the tea party movement has been more effective than Occupy Wall Street in influencing American politics.

Rathke was unequivocal about the Occupy movement, telling The DC that “in no way has it had the political impact that the tea party movement has.” Yet because Occupy organizing is “still in its embryonic stages” while tea partiers have been organizing for more than two years, he cautions that “comparing the tea party movement to OWS is apples and oranges.”

While watching ACORN implode in the United States, Rathke has thrived in his new role as community organizer to the world by remaking ACORN International, known as Community Organization International in the U.S., into a worldwide community organization with near-global reach and power. And former ACORN board members say Rathke’s remarkable global turnaround is proof that most observers completely missed ACORN’s bigger picture and its broader goals.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
People like you are still playing the same political games: "Obama sucks; Replace Obama and all will be good again!" LOL You just dont get it. Obama is part of the corrupt establishment just as much as any repub is. Your precious tea "party" came and went. Instead of trying to create real change they opted for power in a corrupt political system. They backed challengers to repubs in primaries and hooked up with experienced political operatives and hacks. They won the midterm elections!! Yippie!! But they changed nothing. A matter of fact with all the problems this country has the first thing they went after was on the abortion issue!! Now that is out of touch right from the get go!! Their ultimate goal seems to just be getting rid of Obama.

Memo to tea partiers: Change only occurs when there are people in the streets!!

Its funny that you say "Playing the same political games" and you call out me and other people you disagree with on the right...but yet your lefty friends do that same and your absent. You think creating change is breaking laws, fighting cops, and trashing private property, and lets not forget the rampent sex and drug abuse going on with OWS. I guess you agree with the idiots note he gave to the Messiah also..."4000 peaceful protestors arrested". I guess the cops just arrested them for shiats and giggles??? WTF?


Strength through joy
Throughout this filthy, lice-ridden parade of human waste known as #OccupyWallStreet, the protesters have taken for granted First Amendment protections to act the fool and get away with it. However, the First Amendment in no way protects the kinds of things the occupiers are doing.
Just consider the text of the amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment DOES NOT Protect #OccupyWallStreet by AWR Hawkins



Well-Known Member
| Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 10:35 am | 21 Comments » NYC Occupiers Hold “Emotional” Press Conference To Demand City Reimburse Them For “People’s Library” Destroyed During Zuccotti Park Clearing…

What’s the estimated cost of 1,000 signed copies of “Dreams From My Father” and “Audacity of Hope?”
(Guardian) — When police seized an estimated 5,000 books from Occupy Wall Street’s “People’s Library” during the eviction of the camp at Zuccotti Park on 15 November, it drew condemnation from a host of writers and organisations, including the American Library Association and authorSalman Rushdie. [...]

But when the librarians arrived to survey what remained of the books, some signed copies given by authors, including one donated the previous day by Philip Levine, the US poet laureate, they found “it was clear the books had been treated as trash”, they said.

At an emotional press conference on Wednesday, the librarians laid the torn and damaged books they were able to recover from the garage on a table taking up much of a cramped room in an office block in Madison Avenue.

It was a sorry sight. Only 1,273 books – a third of the stock – were returned to them, they said, and around a third of those were damaged beyond repair. Only about 800 are still usable. About 2,900 books are still unaccounted for.

I really dont know why I both to reply to such nonsense but...First off, I visited that "people's Library". And no, I did not see any books by any politicians. Books by Zinn, Chomsky, Roy, Prins, Klein, Parenti, West, Hedges, MLK, Berrigan, Piven, etc . Second, the Library is back in action though it is a mobil one. And thirdly, what is the weird obsession with Obama!!


Well-Known Member
Throughout this filthy, lice-ridden parade of human waste known as #OccupyWallStreet, the protesters have taken for granted First Amendment protections to act the fool and get away with it. However, the First Amendment in no way protects the kinds of things the occupiers are doing.
Just consider the text of the amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment DOES NOT Protect #OccupyWallStreet

by AWR Hawkins

On how Homeland "Security" is coordinating the crack down on free speech:

Raids on OWS coordinated with Obama’s FBI, Homeland Security & others :: News From Underground
I really dont know why I both to reply to such nonsense but...First off, I visited that "people's Library". And no, I did not see any books by any politicians. Books by Zinn, Chomsky, Roy, Prins, Klein, Parenti, West, Hedges, MLK, Berrigan, Piven, etc . Second, the Library is back in action though it is a mobil one. And thirdly, what is the weird obsession with Obama!!
Really? if you have to ask this question, you just haven't been paying attention. seriously.


golden ticket member
I really dont know why I both to reply to such nonsense but...First off, I visited that "people's Library". And no, I did not see any books by any politicians. Books by Zinn, Chomsky, Roy, Prins, Klein, Parenti, West, Hedges, MLK, Berrigan, Piven, etc . Second, the Library is back in action though it is a mobil one. And thirdly, what is the weird obsession with Obama!!
There is no obsession.....Obama is in favor and likes the OWS movement. Pelosi likes it too. I hate it and don't supposrt it, so I'm against the Obama, Pelosi thinking, acting, opining and pontificating. Clear enough for ya?