

golden ticket member
Your dislike of Obama extends far beyond the OWS movement.
That's very observant of you......I'm against his foreign policy, I'm against his "greenness", I'm against his jobs bill, I'm against his non-decision on the pipeline, I'm against his kissin' the ass of all the monster leaders of the world like he's "joe Cool". I'm against his choices of czars and trying to sneak around congress and play king. I'm against his Supreme Court Appointments.

So, yes, my dislike extends to every day of his presidency and the only thing he did right is OK the killing of Bin Laden......thanks Navy Seals.
I know you're hinting that maybe I don't like him because he's half black. I would still dislike every action if he was white!!! Do I need to list more reasons I dislike him or have you got the message now?


Well-Known Member
There is no obsession.....Obama is in favor and likes the OWS movement. Pelosi likes it too. I hate it and don't supposrt it, so I'm against the Obama, Pelosi thinking, acting, opining and pontificating. Clear enough for ya?

My point is this thread is about the OWS and you have to obsessively take a job at Obama and his books. I could care less why you might like him. I have already read enough of your posts to get that you are one of those blame -Obama -for -everything -republicans -are-nirvana types.
My point is this thread is about the OWS and you have to obsessively take a job at Obama and his books. I could care less why you might like him. I have already read enough of your posts to get that you are one of those blame -Obama -for -everything -republicans -are-nirvana types.
If you had bothered to click on the link before you showed your butt you would have seen she didn't take a jab at zer0 and his b00ks, that was part of the article.


golden ticket member
My point is this thread is about the OWS and you have to obsessively take a job at Obama and his books. I could care less why you might like him. I have already read enough of your posts to get that you are one of those blame -Obama -for -everything -republicans -are-nirvana types.
That was an article "about the books" I didn't write it. I posted it for another subject to talk about. Write the Guardian if you have issues...they wrote it (whoever they are)


Strength through joy
WOW, I still can not believe there is still a sane person out here who can not see that these OWS people are their own worst nightmares.
They ask for many things again and again , yet have not idea on how to achieve their goals without violence involved.
Thus they are no longer " peaceful " activists , but regular hoodlums.
And when the general population of decent citizens wish to reclaim their public lands all of a sudden they demand to be called " victims ".
As the old saying goes " spare the rod and spoil the child " .


golden ticket member
Occupy Dallas Thugs Throw Fake Blood on Windows of Neiman Marcus…

Yes, still just like the Tea Party.
Via Dallas Observer:
A few minutes ago, Occupy Dallas posted to its Facebook page a note that two of its former members — which is to say, the group of protesters who split the camp before Dallas Police broke it up last week – were arrested for decorating the downtown Neiman Marcus with a little fake blood. We’re trying to confirm the arrests with DPD, but as you can see from Leslie’s freshly snapped photo, yup, some of its holiday windows are now a little less festive.

Ginger Reeder, veep of corporate communications for Neimans, reminds us today: EveryFriday after Thanksgiving, animal-rights activists pay a visit to Neimans locations across the country. This year was no different, except this time, in downtown Dallas, they were joined by members of OccupyNOW, who posted to their Facebook page this morning the heads-up that they were celebrating “National Buy Nothing Day with Animal Connections of Texas [by protesting] at Neiman Marcus for Fur Free Friday on behalf of the 5th grievance of OWS.”



Strength through joy
Occupy Wall Street: Only 1.6% of Protesters Are Black…
(WaPo) — Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African Americans is at 15 percent, vs. almost 8 percent for whites. And between 2005 and 2009, black households lost just over half of their median net worth compared with white families, who lost 16 percent, according to the Pew Research Center.
However, these numbers have not translated into action. A few prominent African Americans, such as Cornel West, Russell Simmons, Kanye West and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), have made appearances at Occupy protests. “Occupy the Hood,” a recent offshoot, has tried to get more people of color involved.
But the main movement remains overwhelmingly white: A Fast Company survey last month found that African Americans, who are 12.6 percent of the U.S. population, make up only 1.6 percent of Occupy Wall Street.
“Occupy Wall Street was started by whites and is about their concern with their plight,” Nathalie Thandiwe, a radio host and producer for WBAI in New York, said in an interview.


Well-Known Member
Occupy Wall Street: Only 1.6% of Protesters Are Black…

(WaPo) — Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African Americans is at 15 percent, vs. almost 8 percent for whites. And between 2005 and 2009, black households lost just over half of their median net worth compared with white families, who lost 16 percent, according to the Pew Research Center.
However, these numbers have not translated into action. A few prominent African Americans, such as Cornel West, Russell Simmons, Kanye West and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), have made appearances at Occupy protests. “Occupy the Hood,” a recent offshoot, has tried to get more people of color involved.
But the main movement remains overwhelmingly white: A Fast Company survey last month found that African Americans, who are 12.6 percent of the U.S. population, make up only 1.6 percent of Occupy Wall Street.
“Occupy Wall Street was started by whites and is about their concern with their plight,” Nathalie Thandiwe, a radio host and producer for WBAI in New York, said in an interview.

It is true from the times I have been down there.But it is by no means a white movement.

Also that radio station is very pro OWS. A matter of fact it gives the OWS people 30 minutes of their own show (Occupied Radio) Mon-Friday at 6:30 pm .