

Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
(NY Daily News) — He may have been the voice of reason for thousands of lost teens, but former “Loveline” host Adam Carolla is blasting the Occupy Wall Street crowd for being self-entitled and coddled.

In an expletive-laced rant on a November podcast, the comedian and shock jock says the movement was the result of raising young people to believe they were the best.

“We are now dealing with the first waves of participation trophies. . . ‘I feel so friend— good about myself. Everybody’s a winner, no one’s a loser.’ We’re dealing with the first wave of those,” he said.

He argued that the nation’s wealth disparity wasn’t the effect of laws favoring corporations and the rich but the result of people working harder or being more gifted than others.

“There’s something coming up in this country that didn’t used to exist, and it’s envy,” he said.

He then took aim at the protesters, saying they don’t really want jobs.

“They’ve been shamed by life because they haven’t been prepared for life. They’ve had so much smoke blown up their collective a—-, by the time they get out in the real world and they realize the real world doesn’t give a friend— where you’re from or what your mommy said you were or how pretty you are.”

Adam who?? From what??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 6071

Author/Historian Thaddeus Russell said the following as to the above picture:

And on all points he would be right. 804, you got some splainin' to do!

The otherside of this is those redstate lugheads who cheer on the police state in addressing the Occupy movements would in fact be cheering on democrat political fiefdoms. Then again, it explains why so many redstate lugheads embrace the redstate beauty queens in the latest pageant for dictator of the week!

OWS blame the corporate state, the entire corporate state, which includes the democrats too and "independents" such as bloomberg. Those "dem" mayors will have some splaning to do next election as well as some city councils.


Well-Known Member
Actually I would say, no.

Reason being is that Jesus was more concerned for the individual people than for government and commerce. The only example I can remember where Jesus interacted with commerce was when he threw the money changers out of the temple(maybe the first "separation of church and state). I don't remember His crusading to force any "agency" to do anything, just addressing individuals that were gathered in groups.

Chris Hedges: Where Were You When They Crucified My Lord? - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig


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Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment – everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.
Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.
Sanitation crews also have vacuumed up about 3,000 gallons of water that had washed into a catch basin in recent days and are testing it for hazardous materials
, she said.
Remember all the tons of garbage left behind after Tea Party rallies? I don’t either.
However, I do remember the mountains of trash left on the Mall in Washington after Obama’s inauguration.



Strength through joy
Mayor has ordered the encampment to be gone by midnight tonite.
UHauls and garbage trucks were seen along the encampment area all day today, this is following of a judge's ruling that the "protesters" lacked proper standing to occupy public lands with their tents.
If they want to march in place along such areas, that would be ok.


Strength through joy
Occupy Boston on the run after eviction
At 5 a.m. today, Boston police swept into Dewey Square to end the Occupy Boston encampment.
As BPD Superintendent William Evans put it, the occupiers “overstayed their welcome.”
46 arrested as Occupy Boston camp closed
By 8 a.m, the tents and signs were gone, and a graffiti-busting crews were hosing down a sign-filled wall near where the group had held its general assemblies.


Well-Known Member
A little while ago I read that the unions were against shutting down the they are for it? They are flip-floppers just like some candidates!!

How does screwing around with jobs (dockworkers) help anybody?? Cut off your nose to spite your face!!

Longeshoreman in Longview are currently in a bitter fight with the multinational grain exporter EGT, and port truckers in LA are fighting to unionize against Goldman Sachs-owned SSA.
In shutting down the ports we act in solidarity, not only with trade unionists under attack, but with the 89% of the working class with no trade union to represent them - the unemployed, the underemployed, the retiree."


golden ticket member
Longeshoreman in Longview are currently in a bitter fight with the multinational grain exporter EGT, and port truckers in LA are fighting to unionize against Goldman Sachs-owned SSA.
In shutting down the ports we act in solidarity, not only with trade unionists under attack, but with the 89% of the working class with no trade union to represent them - the unemployed, the underemployed, the retiree."
OWS stands for occupy wall street.....spreadin' yourself a little thin. You can't even organize FEDEX!!


Well-Known Member
OWS stands for occupy wall street.....spreadin' yourself a little thin. You can't even organize FEDEX!!

Spreading ourselves thin?? WE ARE THE 99%!! We are the majority. If we keep doing direct actions with a narrative that shows solidarity with unions and other groups, people will wake up and realize that unions empower people ;that they are entities which take on the powerful in the workplace for economic equality and democracy.