

golden ticket member
Spreading ourselves thin?? WE ARE THE 99%!! We are the majority. If we keep doing direct actions with a narrative that shows solidarity with unions and other groups, people will wake up and realize that unions empower people ;that they are entities which take on the powerful in the workplace for economic equality and democracy.
I meant unions at 12 or 13% are not The Powerful Workforce you imagine it to be.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Spreading ourselves thin?? WE ARE THE 99%!! We are the majority. If we keep doing direct actions with a narrative that shows solidarity with unions and other groups, people will wake up and realize that unions empower people ;that they are entities which take on the powerful in the workplace for economic equality and democracy.

Im sure the rest of America will wake up if you take some more dumps on old glory. Maybe a few more rapes or stabbings should convince people to come out an support you. I think your best bet is to fight with the cops, eat some pavement, and then get arrested...that will really get the 99% out of their nice warm homes to give you a hand. :rofl:



Well-Known Member
Im sure the rest of America will wake up if you take some more dumps on old glory. Maybe a few more rapes or stabbings should convince people to come out an support you. I think your best bet is to fight with the cops, eat some pavement, and then get arrested...that will really get the 99% out of their nice warm homes to give you a hand. :rofl:

Spoken like a genuine reactionary. Keep focusing on a few idiots and trouble makers that embarassed themselves and "how dirty" they are. That is what the right is good at:making people look at superficial nonsense and ignore what 's really going on!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Spoken like a genuine reactionary. Keep focusing on a few idiots and trouble makers that embarassed themselves and "how dirty" they are. That is what the right is good at:making people look at superficial nonsense and ignore what 's really going on!!

Spoken like a genuine Liberal. Blame the people that have more wealth than you for your failures. That is what the left is good at, not taking responsibility for your actions and twisting facts.


Well-Known Member
Spoken like a genuine Liberal. Blame the people that have more wealth than you for your failures. That is what the left is good at, not taking responsibility for your actions and twisting facts.
So if one is not a reactionary, one must be a liberal?? How naive. Anyway, when you constantly look at how the OWS people look and not listen to what they have been saying you miss the part about wall st not be held accountable for their crimes and abuses and failures.


golden ticket member
Spoken like a genuine reactionary. Keep focusing on a few idiots and trouble makers that embarassed themselves and "how dirty" they are. That is what the right is good at:making people look at superficial nonsense and ignore what 's really going on!!
Over 5000 arrests.....yep, just a couple bad apples!!


Well-Known Member
Over 5000 arrests.....yep, just a couple bad apples!!
5000 people or 5000 arrests. SOme people have been arrested numereous times. At times the police are told that certain groups of people want to be arrested like the day of the 2 month anniversary at the brooklyn bridge 99 people were arrested. Some are arrested for marching in the streets, Others for not moving out of parks, etc or sitting in the middle of an intersection. This is PART of the nonviolent part of the movement. Plus they are released within 36 hrs.
Remember MLK and other civil rights folks were arrested for their cause too! SO i think OWS is in really good company!!


golden ticket member
5000 people or 5000 arrests. SOme people have been arrested numereous times. At times the police are told that certain groups of people want to be arrested like the day of the 2 month anniversary at the brooklyn bridge 99 people were arrested. Some are arrested for marching in the streets, Others for not moving out of parks, etc or sitting in the middle of an intersection. This is PART of the nonviolent part of the movement. Plus they are released within 36 hrs.
Remember MLK and other civil rights folks were arrested for their cause too! SO i think OWS is in really good company!!
I typed arrests !! That's the running count of ARRESTS!!! The running total of arrests for Tea Party functions is 0 !!


golden ticket member
So when they erect a statue of the guy crappin' on a police car will they locate it right next to MLK's in DC? (since you compared the 2)


Well-Known Member
I typed arrests !! That's the running count of ARRESTS!!! The running total of arrests for Tea Party functions is 0 !!

The tea party/hard rt wing of the repub party came and went. They had there little rally, called obama a bunch of ridiculous names and went home. The OWS is a movement that looks to expose and replace a corrupt political and economic system. That is radical. That is a threat to the status quo and the oligarchy that rules this country. They are getting arrested because they are making an impact on society!!


Well-Known Member
While the initial focus of Occupy activists was union-busting by the grain terminal operator EGT in Longview, Wash., the planned pickets will confront other actors on the docks--such as SSA Marine, an anti-labor terminal operator owned by Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs, and the anti-union policies of terminal operators who employ truck drivers to move goods from the docks to warehouses and rail links.
In fact, the date for the action was chosen by Los Angeles port drivers. December 12 is the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, an important cultural figure in Mexico, and traditionally a day of protest for the largely immigrant port drivers. The drivers been fighting for years against company policies that treat them as independent contractors rather than employees, a practice that forces drivers to be paid per load rather than per hour, and pay for their own trucks.
82 percent of the 110,000 port drivers in the U.S. are classified as independent contractors. An additional spur for the drivers' protest in LA was the firing in October of some 26 drivers who work for the Toll Group. The reason: they wore Teamsters t-shirts to work.


golden ticket member
While the initial focus of Occupy activists was union-busting by the grain terminal operator EGT in Longview, Wash., the planned pickets will confront other actors on the docks--such as SSA Marine, an anti-labor terminal operator owned by Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs, and the anti-union policies of terminal operators who employ truck drivers to move goods from the docks to warehouses and rail links.
In fact, the date for the action was chosen by Los Angeles port drivers. December 12 is the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, an important cultural figure in Mexico, and traditionally a day of protest for the largely immigrant port drivers. The drivers been fighting for years against company policies that treat them as independent contractors rather than employees, a practice that forces drivers to be paid per load rather than per hour, and pay for their own trucks.
82 percent of the 110,000 port drivers in the U.S. are classified as independent contractors. An additional spur for the drivers' protest in LA was the firing in October of some 26 drivers who work for the Toll Group. The reason: they wore Teamsters t-shirts to work.
What part did the Virgin of Guadalupe play in Portland, OR.?
Did she appear to the surf clammers?

Lue C Fur

Evil member


golden ticket member
Report: NYC’s Top 1% Pay A Whopping 43.2% Of The City’s Income Tax, Occupy Wall Street Hardest Hit…

Remind me again, what are these people complaining about?
(NYP) — They’ve been demonized and denounced for not doing their fair share.

But a new analysis released yesterday shows that the top 1 percent of New York City’s moneymakers paid 43.2 percent of the city’s income tax — even though they accounted for just 33.8 percent of total income here.

Acting on a request from City Councilman James Oddo (R-SI), the Independent Budget Office reviewed 410,000 of the 3,462,000 tax returns filed here in 2009, the latest year available.

“Both income and tax liabilities are highly concentrated among the most affluent New Yorkers,” the IBO reported.

The findings backed up claims by Mayor Bloomberg and others who warn that the city can’t afford to lose the super-rich because they’re picking up a big chunk of the income-tax tab.

A total of 34,598 filers made it into the exclusive 1percent club with a minimum adjusted gross income of $493,439.

Then there were those in the top 10 percent who had incomes of at least $105,400 and chipped in 71.2 percent of income-tax collections, while pulling in just 58.2 percent of income generated here.