DIAD Tips and Tricks for a New Driver?


Well-Known Member
I see... Yeah ours differs a lot.
1 man
2 woman
3 garage
4 boy
5 girl
6 porch
7 front door
8 back door
9 inside delivery
m box
o under mat
s shop
u side door

Those are really the only ones I use other than 0 other location- On the roof. I save that one for the supervisors house's :)
g grill


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys. Been using touch because I can see it on the screen. Ill start becoming familiar with orange to save some seconds. Also, I know I said I'd be getting the V, that's what my OCS said too, but he told me today that they just plugged in a rack of IV for peak and I may end up with that come thanksgiving forward. But he did guarantee that I'd at least have a PC instead of a rental. I've heard UPS holds up to their personal guarantees every time, no? :laugh:


Inordinately Right
I can understand the guys who wear gloves using the keys over touch screen, but I don't see the point for anyone else. I've used both and either way I'm a second ahead of the board registering what I've pressed. I can do both blind makes no difference in the speed IMO.

Rack em

Made the Podium
Inside delivery is only for commercial stops where a signature is required.

Putting the package inside their house is not an inside delivery.
If it's inside their house then how is it sheeted? FD is outside by their door. The logical thing to put is inside delivery which is why it's an option in our diad :)


Well-Known Member
Orange, 5, 3 = garage
Orange, 5, 6 = porch
Orange, 5, 7 = front door
Orange, 5, 8 = rear door
Orange, 5, 9 = side door

Ours are:

1. Man that's mad wife is ordering sh*$

2. Women walking into house that can't be bothered to say hi to you

3. Garage, at least I think it's a garage with trash and junk stacked to the ceiling

4. Boy that just got off the bus walking as fast as he can away from you

5. Girl staring at you awkwardly through the window

6. Porch that smells like something died in

7. Front door with storm door locked! "thx!"

8. Back door "no, i'm not wandering around back here to rob you"

9. Side door, which one you ask? your guess is as good as mine. you have like 10 of them




Well-Known Member
Inside delivery is only for commercial stops where a signature is required.

Putting the package inside their house is not an inside delivery.
If it's inside their house then how is it sheeted? FD is outside by their door. The logical thing to put is inside delivery which is why it's an option in our diad :)

You can type " inside house" in the remarks if it makes you feel better.

Kicked Your Dog

25 Year UPSer/SoCal Feeder
Hold down the scan button and have consignee speak into the stylus. This secret will allow for auto signatures and you'll never have to ask how to spell a name again. It takes a while to get the timing down but after a day or two you'll be a pro.

Tex Mex

Residential delivery? DR Front door
Commercial delivery? Nobody in?....DR front door
Not in residential? NI1 residential
Not in commercial after 5pm or between 12-1? ....NI1 residential
Missed package and don't feel like going back and delivering?.....NI1 Residential
When in doubt...NI1 residential


Well-Known Member
Residential delivery? DR Front door
Commercial delivery? Nobody in?....DR front door
Not in residential? NI1 residential
Not in commercial after 5pm or between 12-1? ....NI1 residential
Missed package and don't feel like going back and delivering?.....NI1 Residential
When in doubt...NI1 residential
Sounds like a great way to get fired in my center, not sure about yours. Can't DR commercial stops, can't sheet commercial packages NI or closed between 12-1, after 5 commercial and they're not in HAS to be sheeted as missed, also whenever a package is sheeted outside of the area of the stop the diad makes you WELL aware. But hey, this is what I've learned in the center I work in.


Well-Known Member
Hold down the scan button and have consignee speak into the stylus. This secret will allow for auto signatures and you'll never have to ask how to spell a name again. It takes a while to get the timing down but after a day or two you'll be a pro.
It's been a long time since i lol'd on bc. Thanks.

Tex Mex

Sounds like a great way to get fired in my center, not sure about yours. Can't DR commercial stops, can't sheet commercial packages NI or closed between 12-1, after 5 commercial and they're not in HAS to be sheeted as missed, also whenever a package is sheeted outside of the area of the stop the diad makes you WELL aware. But hey, this is what I've learned in the center I work in.

''Twas a joke

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
Just started driving this morning and I'm getting a little hung up on the DIAD V. My OCS says he's going to be with me until the end of the day Thursday and he's cool and all, but very unhelpful when it comes to this part, the DIAD. He talks on his phone a lot to say the least. So, if anyone has any helpful tips as to when and how to record to save time throughout the day, it would be much appreciated. I'm quick to learn on technology, but I just want to make the most out of my days so I can get on and off the route a little quicker each day.

Make Sure you get EDD before you leave the building

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
Just started driving this morning and I'm getting a little hung up on the DIAD V. My OCS says he's going to be with me until the end of the day Thursday and he's cool and all, but very unhelpful when it comes to this part, the DIAD. He talks on his phone a lot to say the least. So, if anyone has any helpful tips as to when and how to record to save time throughout the day, it would be much appreciated. I'm quick to learn on technology, but I just want to make the most out of my days so I can get on and off the route a little quicker each day.

Take Lunch