Let's assume for a second your are 100% right. Anything past 10 Million is unacceptable. To me, 10 million is a lot of money. So if you start a company up and have sales of a million and a profit margin of 10% and make a profit of $100,000. The company grows to sales of a 10 million and with the same profit margin you are making 1 million in profit. Finally you get to 100 million in sales and profit is now 10 million using the same 10% profit margin. At that point, do you stop growing the company? Or do you grow the company to 1 billion in sales and now only have a 1% profit margin to make that same 10 Million dollars? If you say don't grow beyond 100 million in sales. You will never ever see any large companies in the US and that means the small companies won't have the same purchasing power so we will all be paying more. No Walmart, Amazon, Costco, Target, UPS, FDX, Chipolte, McDonalds, Inbev-Anhueser Busch, Miller Brewing etc etc.
If you grow the company to billions in sales but have only a 1% profit margin by capping profit at 10 Million, then what happens if there is a downturn? It won't take much for you to go from a 1% profit to a 10% loss.
Saying an arbirtrary number of x million dollars is too much for a company doesn't really make sense.