Do Not Call The Police?


nowhere special
I know a white monkey!


Well-Known Member
Police provide a fine & suitable service. But I think most folks get confused with the fact that first and foremost they are put in place to generate revenue under the guise of law for the incorporated town/borough/city they work for. They are put in place to protect Property THEN Life. You are responsible for your own self defense.
Secondly, getting behind the wheel of a car is the only way most people will ever make contact with Officers. Accident, tail light out, DUI, speeding, registration, expirations, etc.
Lastly, society has transformed so much. We went from Cops making 19k a year with revolvers. Taking your keys and letting you sleep it off in the parking lot, coming back for you later. To 6 figure earning, sub machine gun carrying, up armored humvee driving squads. Pretty amazing.