Do stewards really have a bullseye?


Well-Known Member
On the flip side I don't recall them ever stopping by and telling me to stop working hard or receiving an email telling me my work ethic is too strong. Most of the people I work around and with are good people wanting a good life for themselves and their families. There will always be people, union or not, with a craptastic work ethic. It is not a situation unique to the Teamsters.


On the flip side I don't recall them ever stopping by and telling me to stop working hard or receiving an email telling me my work ethic is too strong. Most of the people I work around and with are good people wanting a good life for themselves and their families. There will always be people, union or not, with a craptastic work ethic. It is not a situation unique to the Teamsters.

I've had some family that worked union construction. They would pull a "brother" off a job in a minute if he was doing crappy work. They believed in union labor always doing the best job out there. You won't see that with the teamsters. they protect those folks and make excuses for them. Big difference.


Well-Known Member
I've had some family that worked union construction. They would pull a "brother" off a job in a minute if he was doing crappy work. They believed in union labor always doing the best job out there. You won't see that with the teamsters. they protect those folks and make excuses for them. Big difference.

I've also seen a shop tell an hourly that he wasn't doing the job required of him and he needed to straighten up. I know because it was me when I first started. My point was that I thought your statement seemed to be all encompassing. As much as Teamsters and Management disagree on some issues when it comes down to it the more successful our company is the better it will be for all of us. Discouraging hard work wouldn't seem to benefit either one.


Well-Known Member
I've had some family that worked union construction. They would pull a "brother" off a job in a minute if he was doing crappy work. They believed in union labor always doing the best job out there. You won't see that with the teamsters. they protect those folks and make excuses for them. Big difference.

Cause it doesnt get the job done to work slow and crappy. Everyones goal is to do the best and most efficient work.


Well-Known Member
I've had some family that worked union construction. They would pull a "brother" off a job in a minute if he was doing crappy work. They believed in union labor always doing the best job out there. You won't see that with the teamsters. they protect those folks and make excuses for them. Big difference.

I believe that there are good and bad within our union (705) you really can't say that the whole bunch of us are scumbags that could carless about UPS, thats simply not true, but yes the union HAS to defend all, even the scumbags that have no call no shows, that start trouble, misloads, work slow on purpose etc. etc....but there is a flipside to that coin, there are managment part time full time center manager's and higher that are scumbags also, there is good and bad both ways, me personally I take pride in my job, I come to work everyday, expect to be treated the right way...I even turned in a "fellow" union brother last week for stealing, that was the right thing to do, I take pride in my job, I have seen lots of management that could care less about the employees and our packages, Tie, it it a two way street.