
Inordinately Right


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Wouldn't be so sure, he's old AF and is clearly mentally declining. Biden dying would be the single best thing that could happen for the DNC.
Think positive. We want a healthy Biden.

I was basically speaking to the voters that pulled the Biden trigger knowing full well about his diminished capacities.


Inordinately Right
Think positive. We want a healthy Biden.

I was basically speaking to the voters that pulled the Biden trigger knowing full well about his diminished capacities.
Meh, I'm impartial.
Definitely don't want him dying at election time, but with this much time left....
I dunno maybe they should go ahead and 25th amendment this guy so he can go home.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I'm confident in saying the American voter is currently diagnosing the Biden presidency and thr Democrat Congress as a big failure.

One of the reasons Trump got voted in was to “drain the swamp”.. he did not do it, but he did expose it... Biden is just exposing it more.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Because MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and others hide and spin the facts from their viewers/readers.
He promised to be an uniter during his inauguration speech. The speech wasn't even cold before running hard left and burning every bridge in his wake.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
One definitely doesn't need to be a Fox News viewer to notice how things are going for the country right now.
Fox news must have incredible power. In NJ, a state where Dems outnumber Republicans 3-1, Gov
Murphy barely won reelection.


Well-Known Member
Do you consider yourself to be an "average American voter"?
No because I didn't believe a former TV celebrity who said Mexico would pay for his wall, had a super duper healthcare plan, would pass a fantastic infrastructure bill and would bring back mfg jobs, would be too busy to golf , would release his tax returns and wouldn't make any money off his presidency.