Does anyone still believe the 9/11 story the government told us?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
It was a 757 that crashed into the Pentagon and the tail sticks up much higher than the fuselage. With the wheels retracted the fuselage was much lower in height than the top of the tail. It's kool aid by the way.
I'm showing you the height of the pentagon and both planes. Why is there no tail on the video? Also American airlines planes are silver. Not white.


Well-Known Member
Trump's way of honoring those lost on 9/11

Actually he honored americans by becoming energy independent . Biden honored the Saudi's by cutting and restricting domestic energy production and putting the oil market back in the hands of the middle east.

you don't think much do you when you execute these TDS tantrums?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
But forget about the mysterious wtc 7.
Anyone who isn’t a complete dupe now knows the government planned 9/11. I didn’t want to believe it for the longest time myself… but when the plandemic came along and you saw the reaction to it there could be no question anymore. Two emergencies 20 years apart. Exact same objective: scare you into surrendering your rights
I suppose all the engineers and pilots who said the official story isn’t possible must just be lying to stir up trouble. Just like all those who said we were harmed by these vaccines. And they’ve been silenced by the media in similar fashion. Wonder why
dont feed the troll
Not trolling I want the government held accountable for the 3000 plus people were murdered. I wanna know who the real perpetrators were because I can tell you for certain it wasn’t some lone cavemen. One of the so called masterminds khalid sheikh Mohammed has been awaiting trial for like 15 years because the government can’t afford to have any of the details come to light

If you wanna go ahead and believe a cock and bull story like what they told you then go right ahead. You might as well believe Santa Claus can fly around the world in one night.
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PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Stupidest conspiracy theory ever. Only thing I believe is that they were warned and didn’t take it seriously. Same thing happened with Pearl Harbor.
Stupidest conspiracy theory ever. Only thing I believe is that they were warned and didn’t take it seriously. Same thing happened with Pearl Harbor.
That’s a distinction without a difference. That’s an accessory to murder. And no they were actively involved. We have a criminal government stop putting anything beneath them. Dubya and his gang were war criminals just like his father


Inordinately Right
Stupidest conspiracy theory ever. Only thing I believe is that they were warned and didn’t take it seriously. Same thing happened with Pearl Harbor.
I agree and the FBI, led by Robert Mueller, worked very hard to cover that up. The intelligence agencies are extremely crooked and still are to this day.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I agree and the FBI, led by Robert Mueller, worked very hard to cover that up. The intelligence agencies are extremely crooked and still are to this day.