Does anyone still believe the 9/11 story the government told us?

Guess it’s just a sad coincidence that at the time the pentagon was investigating about a trillion dollars that was missing and then lo and behold what a bit of serendipity a plane allegedly hit that area can’t do anymore. No footage anywhere nothing to see


Well-Known Member
Trump's way of honoring those lost on 9/11

Read this and get back to me

The claim: While former Vice President Joe Biden supported constructing a mosque at Ground Zero, President Donald Trump offered $6 million to stop it​

On the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a decade-old controversy about the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" resurfaced on social media.

One viral post tied the issue to the current contest between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

"BIDEN supported building a mosque at Ground Zero. TRUMP offered 6M to keep it from being built," the post reads. "Never forget."

Trump offered $6 million for one investor's share of the site​

It's true that Trump made a bid to stop the construction of the mosque at the site.

On Sept. 9, 2010, Trump wrote a letter to Hisham Elzanaty and offered to purchase his $4.8 million stake in the project for $6 million — around 25% more — per The Wall Street Journal.

Trump also specified that any agreement would require that a mosque be built at least five blocks from the former World Trade Center.

"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not) but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse," Trump reportedly wrote in a letter to Elzanaty at the time, according to the Journal.


PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
That’s a distinction without a difference. That’s an accessory to murder. And no they were actively involved. We have a criminal government stop putting anything beneath them. Dubya and his gang were war criminals just like his father

You know the amount of people that would have to be involved to pull off something like this? Somebody would’ve came forward. It’s a silly conspiracy theory with no basis.
You know the amount of people that would have to be involved to pull off something like this? Somebody would’ve came forward. It’s a silly conspiracy theory with no basis.
Not that many. The government operates in total secrecy outside the law. They bully threaten bribe and censor. And have almost the entirety of the media to help them so there’s little fear of punishment for these tactics. The very term conspiracy theory was invented by the fbi to paint anyone who questioned the Kennedy assassination as a wack job. Given the choice between shutting up and you and your family being murdered I think you’re gonna choose silence

The only conspiracy is what they told you happened. It looked like a controlled demolition because it was one
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Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You know the amount of people that would have to be involved to pull off something like this? Somebody would’ve came forward. It’s a silly conspiracy theory with no basis.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
It only takes the amount of people you see on TV.

Smh. It simply couldn’t be a terrorist organization that hated the USA, right? The fact that airport security at that time wasn’t nearly as strict as it is today. We were caught off guard and didn’t think we could be attacked.
You know the amount of people that would have to be involved to pull off something like this? Somebody would’ve came forward. It’s a silly conspiracy theory with no basis.
Your only argument is basically they’d never get away with doing it which ironically is exactly how so far they have gotten away with it. You’re a coincidence theorist

If we had an honest media and a populace that would question what they were told then yeah you’d be right


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Smh. It simply couldn’t be a terrorist organization that hated the USA, right? The fact that airport security at that time wasn’t nearly as strict as it is today. We were caught off guard and didn’t think we could be attacked.
There is actually video of a crew in the world trade center towers. Months before this happened doing construction. Yet there was no remodeling going on...


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Smh. It simply couldn’t be a terrorist organization that hated the USA, right? The fact that airport security at that time wasn’t nearly as strict as it is today. We were caught off guard and didn’t think we could be attacked.
Explain this. That isn't an American airlines 757 hitting that building, but keep lying to yourself.


Well-Known Member
Explain this. That isn't an American airlines 757 hitting that building, but keep lying to yourself.
The other day y'all were saying 747. The 757 is considerably smaller.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
The other day y'all were saying 747. The 757 is considerably smaller.
The landing gear only knocks off a max of 6 foot.. that still means your are dealing with a 39foot tall price of metal. Nothing in that video I linked is even close to 39 foot..