Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
never hit a dog in 14 yrs of pkg. but had the extreme pleasure of delivering the remains {ashes} of this pain in the ass little pooch to two gay guys who had interior design bus. on my rte lol 

Once I was covering for another driver and nailed a chocolate lab with the front bumper of a P500, he lived, but his head was all 2 cats and countless birds and squirrels KIA. One of those cats I felt awful about. Pulled up to the house, delvd, went back and looked at the map for a second and took off down the dead street to turn around in cul-de-sac. When I drove back by the house, right in front of the mailbox, to my horror was a lil fluffy white cat. I didn't even feel the "bump" Called sup and explained, he said "Keep rollin" Some poor kid probably came home from school that day to find, Snowball all mangled in front the mailbox....![]()
even if you do it on purpose?Hitting a dog in a driveway is considered an accident.
I must be the worst person here with dogs, I have lost count. Probably 10-12, at least.
even if you do it on purpose?
No- I would never hit an animal on purpose. I have already posted that I had only hit one in 30 years. That being said you have to admit that some dogs act like they are on a suicide mission so I don't get overly emotional when one gets hit. A good pet owner don't let their dogs run loose to chase cars. As Bob Barker always said " help control the pet population- let them chase cars"Looks like we have all hit and killed animals on our routes. What I find disturbing is that some seem to get a sick pleasure from this. Please tell me that is not the case. I will never hit an animal on purpose. Hell, I even pulled over to get a turtle that had been flipped in the middle of the road by the draft of a semi.
Mean dogs are a problem for us, but many dogs that chase the truck are not mean in any way. They are just not very smart. If we were punished by death for being a bit dumb we would all be dead. I tend to view most dogs as Lassie. I've only met one Cujo and true he scared the hell out of me. Most just make my day better.
Did I mention I love dogs?
Damn Scratch!
You got a rubber stamp fer the side of yer truck?![]()
Scratch.....whatever happened to that guy? Hopefully he's gone to the USPS where he can go 'postal' .