Yea ..we still have to buy gas but we also need to send a message.
I think it would be appropriate for the oil companies to send a message back – like shut down their refineries for about six months.
In turn UPS and other trucking companies can also shut down for six months while you literally and figuratively starve.
During that time you can reflect upon Life and How Things Work and what Your Place is in that relationship and how insignificant it is.
Then maybe you’ll Understand Stuff like how the feds and the state make more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do – and they don’t lift a finger to produce, market, or deliver the end product.
They’re a parasitic third party lining their pocket off the effort – and considerable risk – that company expends and assumes.
I’ve always been of the opinion that American (and international) companies should form “Industry Alliances.” Primarily it’d be to pool resources to fund a standing private paramilitary organization.
Think of something like Executive Outcomes, only much larger.
That’d be useful in many instances – labor problems, poor judicial decisions, legislators floating flaky bills, silly lawsuits… on and on.
You think it’s perfectly legitimate to attempt to maximize your salary or hourly wage? Then it’s perfectly acceptable for them to maximize the profit on their product.
It’s especially funny listening to the complaining and moaning from UPS Teamsters. You make *industry leading* wages. You *deserve* to pay industry leading *prices* for everything you consume.
I’m serious when I say that in the next labor contract (if there is one) - in *addition* to being required to wear a dunce cap and big red clown nose as part of your official uniform – you should be required to have whatever-union emblem tattooed to your forehead so that merchants can immediately determine that you can *afford* to pay much more and can ring your purchases accordingly.
Need gas? $3.51/gal for Joe Schmoe. Ooh – but you have the IAM tattoo - $7.35/gal for you.
Need your driveway re-poured? $900 for Sam Somebody but you have the twin Teamster Burros on your forehead - $2,300 for you.
It’s only “fair” if you think about it.
Yep, that’s how that should work.
I thought twice about posting this – being primarily a Teamster crybaby board and all.
But again – your average Teamster reads at the second grade level. By the time the rest drag their fingers over the text while mouthing the words they won’t comprehend what any of it means.
[Saw a nice 1950’s style cartoon of a little girl sitting reading a book. The caption said “T…th…the…ca….cat…i…in…th…the…ha…ha….hat – oh screw it, I’m gonna be a stripper when I grow up.” LOL! And *that* was the smarter daughter of a Teamster!]