dow 24000

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The smartest thing Muslim men could do to prevent their own retarded deaths would be to have women around more often to tell them they’re being idiots.

The Muslim sausage parties we all see on TV just aren’t very healthy or places that great ideas are formed.
What are you watching on TV?


Well-Known Member
They not into the real story that is actual gender equality in the Middle East and the larger Muslim world or something?
Don't you know. Women all over the Middle East drive, have highly paid jobs, wear what they want, have sex with whomever they choose, stay single for as long as they like. Don't believe what your eyes are seeing on cable news.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Don't you know. Women all over the Middle East drive, have highly paid jobs, wear what they want, have sex with whomever they choose, stay single for as long as they like. Don't believe what your eyes are seeing on cable news.

They sound great! When can we open up our borders to them?!


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Don't you know. Women all over the Middle East drive, have highly paid jobs, wear what they want, have sex with whomever they choose, stay single for as long as they like. Don't believe what your eyes are seeing on cable news.

when you remove the burka are they stinky underneath? asking for a friend


And over 20,000 have died of the flu just here in the USA this season.
Care to bet whether more people die from the flu versus Covid-19 over the next year?
the regular flu already took out some of the weak, so you'd need to factor that in too. Coronavirus would logically have less hospitizations and deaths


Engorged Member
Don't you know. Women all over the Middle East drive, have highly paid jobs, wear what they want, have sex with whomever they choose, stay single for as long as they like. Don't believe what your eyes are seeing on cable news.

The "reforms" you speak of are only on the surface and for Western consumption. MBS would love for us to think they're progressive. Wahibi Muslims are the antithesis of anything foward-thinking.

MBS is A Saudi Trump, just smarter.